Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I like sparrows...they look like little jets when they fly.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

So, yesterday me and my mom took the train down to Camarillo to pick-up my new car. I am so happy I finally got a Honda, the thing is awesome, it get like 22-24 mpg (when my Jeep got 13 and seeing how gas is $4 + a gallon...its a damn good thing I sold it...hell Im suprised I sold it) anyway I'm going to have to get used to it because, well...its not an suv and I'm so used to driving big cars. I have to admit though I am and do miss my Jeep, but I'll get over it.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'm going to start carrying around a journal with me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I am so irked about what happened at work today I have to talk about it. So, I'm cleaning up/putting everything away and getting ready to leave, while I'm in the walk-in putting the milk away I hear people yelling, of course I thought nothing of it thinking it was just people making sure someone heard them. I leave the walk-in and realize the assiatant cook (who we'll call Mr. J) and a co-worker of mine (who we'll call Ms. L) are bitching at each other because Mr. J put all the food away before Ms. L could get some. First off let me tell you its common knowledge that at 5:30 the steam line is broken down and all the food pans are brought into the kitchen so the staff can get their meals, but Ms. L lolly-gagged and didn't get her food in time so now she is all in a tissy because of it, and instead of talking to each other like human beings they both just start yelling at each other. At this point I'm ready to leave and getting angry because its been going on for 10 minutes and neither one of them have tried to defuse the situation like adults. THEN Ms. L's boyfriend who also works where I work (I'll call him Mr. R) comes in with his chest puffed out arms out and he didn't have any fists but I could tell from his body language that he was willing to make a fist. ANYWAY while Mr. J is in the bathroom getting dressed into street clothes Mr. R comes in and goes "I'M GOING TO KNOCK HIM THE FUCK OUT, NO BODY DISRESPECTS YOU BABY!! NO ONE!!"...that was my que to clock out and go. I felt like telling Mr. R that this isnt a white trash bar and to chill out but I didn't want to escalate the situation so I left. I'm probably going to get a phone call tomorrow from my boss wanting to know what happened. Fucking people.

Friday, April 11, 2008

So I've been watching the news lately...ahh who am I kidding I watch it all the time...ANYWAY, I've been noticing a lot of teenagers (and even little kids) that are so intent on beating up each other, and their teachers for stupid reasons. I don't want to sound like an old lady or anything but Jesus Christ, first off theres a video that came out this week of some cheerleaders who basically kidnapped and beat up another girl because she "ran her mouth" about the others on myspace, the girl who got beaten up now can't see out of one eye, hear out of one ear, concussion and apparently got knocked out because of what she typed on her myspace account. Now I how teenage girls (I was one ONCE after all.) and I'm sure that whatever the girl typed on her account didn't warrent the beating she got. (she probably called one of the girls a whore or slut or liar or something...christ if you even make out with a guy in Junior/High school then every other girl calls you a slut...thats what girls do!) uh....someone should put clearasil on teenagers and shrink them all up.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Now, as much as I don't think the olympics should be political, I wonder...what the hell was the Olympic Committee thinking when they chose Beijing to host the summer olympics?! If they don't want it to be political THEN WHY DID THEY CHOOSE A CITY IN A COUNTRY THAT IS NOTORIOUS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS!!! Much less its a goddamn communist country. The other contenders that put in bids for the Olympics- Paris, Toronto (yay), Istanbul, and Osaka AND THEY PICK BEIJING!!! Christ and 8 months or so before they olympics China decides to massacre and kidnap monks? (not to mention their involvement in the Darfur genocide) Way to go China,

OH P.S.-I swear Bush is the best president China has ever had.

Monday, April 07, 2008

So I just sent my resuuuuuuume to a vets office since they're looking for someone to give the animals their medications on weekends (as well as holidays) and work the office on Sat 9-12 in the mornings AND sub for anyone who is sick or on vacay. Anyway I hope I get the job, I think it would be fun (not to mention they start you off at 12$ and hour-YAY) I like animals and I like spending time with them, Plus if I even moved out of town (which I hope to do when I get into a 4-year university) I have the experience.

Plus I got a bike for my birthday and goddamn...Im WAY out of shape...

Saturday, April 05, 2008

"Better Off Dead" is one of the best movies to come out of the 1980's.

Thursday, April 03, 2008