Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Today I was finishing up on some homework at my dads house, went to look up a word at Dictionary.com and it redirected me to ask Jeeves.com and I proceed to say:

"What the fuck was that?!?"

and what happens next...I hear a little voice come from the living room

"what the fuck was that?" and guess who it was...my two year old sister

unfortunately I couldn't hold my laughter, so of course she thought it was funny too and started to laugh.

I'm a bad influence.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I've calmed down a bit since last time, which is good. I'm happy that the school semester is almost done with but I'm having a difficult time figuring out what to take next semester. I guess I should bite the bullet and just power through all the math and English courses (that I have yet to start...) I also had to take this personality test for Psychology and man...I guess I'm pretty neurotic (but of course knew that.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More bitching.

I hate to get incredibly personal on this thing but, it is an online journal so...whatever. It may also turn into a rant so...just bear with me.

I am so sick and tired living with my mother and brother right now. Its been eating away at me for the past couple of weeks and has finally reached a boiling point - YAY! - well since my brother moved back into town. He has yet to find a job and of course this is stressing everyone out because there's more money leaving the house than coming in and we're all constantly at each others throats. My mom constantly has to bitch about something, and always seems to be in a bad mood and CONSTANTLY asks me "Did you take your meds?" and other stupid questions and my brother constantly has to argue about anything and everything, and as for me I of course get ganged up on and yelled at for "yelling for no reason" and get told to "calm down". No I'm not going to calm down, look, I pay my rent, I pay my bills, I go to work and I go to school. I have a fucking take home test due this Thursday and I'm not doing to well in my other class (this is turning into the worst semester I've had at school) and I'm stressed, so stressed in fact that I'm picking at my skin and scalp and have little scabs all over and I can't sleep to hot either. Also everyone always has to make snide comments THAT THEY KNOW WILL PISS ME OFF..why? is it fun to watch me freak out? to my family it is apparently. Yes, I should learn to control my anger and what not but give me some slack. I'm not the one whose father gave them $400 didn't give my mom 1 cent of it, spends it on a game, lays on the couch half the day, goes in the garage instead of looking for a fucking job so I can pull my weight in the household. Like last night, I ask my mom if she could help explain a question that was on my homework, she gives her input..... in a rude way and then tells me that I need to have better handwriting and if I took my meds....well thanks mom, I love it when people attack me when I ASK FOR FUCKING HELP. I've been looking for a better job so I can move out and get away from the constant bickering and attacks and just have some peace and quiet, I seriously feel like punching my self in the head or ramming my skull through someones window. I'm sorry if I'm playing victim but this is how it is. I get yelled at for the stupidest shit, get picked on (whether its joking or not, I don't care I'm sick of it) I'm made out to be the bad guy because I "fly off the handle". Don't get me wrong I love my family to death but like any other family we have our flaws, and hopefully they will work themselves out...if not, I'm screwed.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I have even more to add to the whole Prop. 8 debacle....

I am so sick and tired of hearing from the people who voted "yes" on prop 8 and how they were only "trying to protect marriage" and how its "not an attack on the gay lifestyle"...the fuck it isn't, if it isn't then why WAS IT ON THE BALLOT?? BAH! Also last night on Larry King (yes, I watch Larry King...so what??) they had some Bishop on that was talking about how if gays are allowed to get married then women won't be able to find husbands and men won't be able to find wives. WHAT?? NEWS FLASH JERK OFF...EVERYONE ISNT GAY! and the fact that I haven't been able to find a husband has nothing to do with "the gays" it has to do with the fact that I DONT NEED TO GET MARRIED YET. He also went on to say that marriage is becoming extinct. So what if it is?? This isn't the 1950's anymore, people don't HAVE to get married, they have the freedom and RIGHT to CHOOSE if they want.

Of course I can go on and on and on about this for hours, I'm going to close with this:

No one should be stripped of basic human rights, take a look see what discrimination has done to many societies. Some examples > Germany in the 30's and 40's, The states in the 60's...hate breeds fear and fear breeds actions.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I have a few choice words to the people who voted "yes" on Prop 8.

What the hell is the matter with you?? You right wing religious nuts are so concerned with how OTHER PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES OR WHAT THEY DO IN THEIR LIVES. GIVE IT UP. How does a gay couple getting married affect YOUR life. How dare you think that you have a right to take away ANYONES rights. No matter how much you say "its not an attack on the gay lifestyle" it is, and you know it. You people took money from the MORMON CHURCH who is headquartered in UTAH....Utah HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CALIFORNIA. Other religious organizations gave you people money when it has be proven so many times over that RELIGION AND POLITICS DON'T MIX!!!! All of the people who voted "Yes" on prop 8 should be ashamed of themselves. Oppression never lasts long and I hope that you people get what you deserve for stripping people of basic human rights, this country has come too far for you assholes to screw it up. We all deserve to have rights no matter if we're black, white, yellow, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, gay, straight, bi, a voodoo priest, or a squid fisherman. You people are the downfall of society. Its not 1958 its 2008, wake up, stop trying to control how other people live. Take a look at yourselves for once and see how judgemental you really are. Once again for everyone who voted "yes" on prop 8, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008




Monday, November 03, 2008

On my way to school tonight I saw a guy dressed as "V" (think Guy Fawkes) from V for Vendetta holding up a sign saying "please vote"...it made my night.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

I'm really getting tired of hearing about this "Joe the Plumber" guy. I swear the guy was a plant by the McCain campaign. He's a tax evader, doesn't agree with social security he thinks if Obama gets elected (knock on wood) Israel will cease to exist and the list goes on and on, not to mention he isn't smart...which has been the case with McCain/Palin supporters, and if you're offended by that

....tough, because you know it's true.