I've decided to take a break from my normal political rants and concentrate on the whole Roman Polanski mess.
Its safe to say that I'm a little more than baffled that prominent directors are supporting Polanski. What? Why? Yeah I get the whole "we directors have to stick together" and that he's made some pretty good films (my personal favorite The Pianist) and it doesn't matter that it's been some 30+ years since it happened and that the victim wants to get on with her life, what DOES matter however, is that he gave a 13-year-old Quaaludes, raped her THEN fled the country because a plea deal wasn't going to go through! Time doesn't heal all wounds. Like I stated earlier so the fuck what if he's an Oscar winner and made some good flicks...he abused/violated someone. My advice to all those who allegedly signed a petition to pardon Polanski...what if it was YOUR daughter? Would you feel the same? My guess is probably not.