There's been a couple of...issues that have been really chapping my ass lately (imagine that!). The thing that has been getting my panties in a bunch more than anything is the whole gun debate (or debacle) and how paranoid people are in this country when it comes to their "right to bear arms". BUT there is ONE part of this discussion that REALLY gets my blood boiling and that is when some claim that Hitler was for gun control and that Obama is a tyrant/dictator because he supports REASONABLE gun safety. Along with not being able to read the constitution properly I guess people can't read history books properly because last time I checked Hitler (and many other REAL tyrants/dictators throughout history) WASN'T FOR GUN CONTROL, and if you think Obama is a dictator then you sir need to attend to that paranoia, because that's what all this is- paranoia. NO ONE is talking about TAKING GUNS AWAY. The whole notion that "guns don't kill people, people kill people" is also bullshit and a stupid argument. When there is a conflict in the world and the U.S. military mobilizes we don't send only soldiers- we send soldiers WITH guns and artillery (very large and powerful guns). Another thing is, is at this moment in time I don't think ANYONE needs to "protect" themselves from the government. Obama isn't a dictator or tyrant that is going to come knocking on your door so....take some Xanax and relax it's going to be alright. Look, I'm not anti gun I've even fired a gun and a shotgun or two and if the Zombie apocalypse happens shit is going to get real, but it's getting out of control. I see people posting things on Facebook or Twitter about how the government is doing this so only those in power have guns so they can control the rest of us, again I urge you to take some Xanax or Ativan or maybe even a little dope to help you relax because THAT IS FUCKING NUTS, seriously. You have nut jobs like Alex Jones who started a petition to get Piers Morgan deported because Morgan supports banning assault rifles, extensive background checks, and limiting ammunition (along with more than 50% of this country). Jones then proceeded to scream about how "1776 will commence again" if President Blackenstein takes away the right to bear arms (which he never said he was going to do), then there were those who said that the executive orders were going to cause a civil war case in point James Yeager, a tactical weapons trainer from Tennessee, did what most irrational nuts do- he posted a video on YouTube about how he would be more than happy to fire the first shots of said war and he is "not letting his country be ruled by a dictator, I'm not letting anybody take my guns. If it goes one inch further I'm gonna start killing people", easy there cowboy, them is fightin' words and I'm sure he got a visit from the FBI but hopefully not while in the middle of masturbating into his many guns (Mr. Yeager has since had his gun permit yanked). Then you have king of right wing gun whores the Motor City Madman, The Nuge, and whatever-other-stupid-name-people-call-him, Ted Nugent. I have to be honest I'm surprised this guy hasn't imploded or thrown a clot, like the two men I mentioned before him he spews bullshit he magically conjures up.
The truth is this, people refuse to believe the truth and want to get others riled up so they can all live in this fantasy about how the government is trying to take away our right to protect friends and family or they're going to stop you from saying what you want and that this is AMERICA fuck yeah!!! WE HAVE RIGHTS HERE! Not like those goofy countries where Obama is from! (sarcasm). I could go into what the NRAs position is but frankly I think I've mentioned enough completely paranoid dimwitted nobodies. The fact is, is that the United States has a militia, well a couple of them, called the Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, National Guard, Coast Guard and local police forces and if you need a firearm so bad, go to a recruitment center. You may agree with their roles in society or not but that's the truth. Another truth is that we don't NEED to have guns, the British aren't coming (Maybe they should, at least we would get healthcare) neither is Al Qaeda. The 2nd Amendment is outdated and only gives more power to gun nuts.