Friday, November 11, 2005

I need to get a new car. I used to drive a 1968 Chevy Nova (which I still have because people fucking(#1) suck ass and back out) but it needs A LOT of work (electrical system is fucked(#2) and I don't want to put anymore money in it. Then I got a 1993 Jeep G.Cherokee unfortunately last month a goddamn city bus cut me off and it was totalled (whole passenger side was demolished because I ran into a sign) to make everything SO much better it was determined that I was at fault (which is bullshit, City bus drivers are the WORST drivers) Now my mom has to cart me around. I'm trying to save money and I never thought I would catch my self saying this but, I really liked the Jeep. I was extreamely suprised the son of a bitch didn't flip when I got into the accident. The only good thing about it is that I had full coverage insurance, didn't kill/hurt anyone (although my ass got a bruise on it, plus my arms were a little sore because I HAD TO HOLD THE FUCKING(#3) STEERING WHEEL STRAIGHT SO I DIDN'T HIT THE PEOPLE WHO WERE SITTING ON THE FUCKING(#4) CURB!!!!!!) I would go and get another Jeep/Toyota 4Runner but my insurance went up. I've been looking for a new job so I can bring in more money though. Hopefully I'll find one soon....

*I apologize for the word "Fuck" being used frequently*

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