Thursday, December 01, 2005

I seriously think my mother is losing her mind. She makes me feel like I'm worthless half the time going on these rants like "Well when I was your age I was living in LA, with two cars, working two jobs and paying rent!!"...Then if I can't read her fucking hand writting she goes "Oh Jesus Christ..." Makes me feel more like an idiot then I already do when it comes to math. Sometimes I feel like saying "Hey I'm sorry I'm bad at math and english but you and dad didn't fucking help me or fight for me when my elementary school put me in "special" classes just because I HAD A FUCKING NEW JERSEY ACCENT!!" (I swear I used to have a Jersey accent, I picked it up from my mother) I'm not trying to play victim or anything either, then this morning she goes on to tell me I'm not stressed. HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE KNOW??!! Ever since October (when my car got totalled) I've been pretty depressed. I spend so much time trying to make other people happy when I'm a pretty unhappy person then people who I thought were my friends just dump on me and don't fucking return my calls. I don't know how many times I've thought about killing my self over the past month or two(of course I'm too chicken shit to go through with it). We go to therapy together and of course my therapist takes her side half the time because she acts totally different there then she does at home. Not to mention she treats me like I'm 15, yes maybe I give her a right to act that way towards me sometimes but Jesus Christ...Get off my ass, I also think she likes to start arguments with me (seeing that it's not hard to get my feathers ruffled at all) what makes it worse is that my brothers automatically take her side as well especially my brother Casey. Don't get me wrong I love my brother and everything but when he was here during Thanksgiving I felt I was getting made fun of by my mom like for instance when I told my brother I don't like salmon my mom shoots back saying "I'm sure you'd like it if it had a sugar coating on it." then of course everyone laughs at my expense. Fucking Hilarious isn't it. I also think my mom is becoming obsessive compulsive with cleaning the house. I try to contain my self and not yell at her but it's very hard. She is constantly bitching at me about something, plus when she gets pissed at other people she takes it out on me...I'm so fucking drained.

Bulgaria and the Ukraine were allies of the US?!?! what the fuck, I didn't even know the Ukraine had an Army, just thought they had Chernobyl victims...huh, you learn something new everyday.

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