Ok, so WHY do I hate Peta? well here...
Peta is a terrorist organization that is full of irrational fuckwads. If Peta had its way there would be no Zoos, Horse riding sports, SERVICE ANIMALS, fishing, dog shows, or house pets. The only thing I think they should do away with is the circus but that's because I don't like the circus and they're notorious for abusing animals in crude ways. Peta also supports crazed maniacs like Rodney Coronado who went to various schools to teach KIDS how to make bombs out of milk jugs. Heard enough yet? oh ok. They also had a campaign called "the Holocaust on Your Plate." that's right, PETA compares the way we treat animals to the way the Jews and others were treated during the Holocaust. ARE YOU JOKING ME??? Are these people serious? Peta doesn't give a shit about humans, look...if you don't want to eat meat that's cool just don't shove YOUR views down other peoples throats. Truth is...meat is good sooooo good. Peta is also against animals eating other animals. Like lions eating zebras on the lush plains of the western Sahara. Do they not get that ITS IN THEIR NATURE TO EAT ZEBRAS!!??? Its called BALANCE you fucking morons. IF LIONS WERENT AROUND THEN THERE WOULD BE TOO MANY FUCKING ZEBRAS YOU FUCKS! *deep breath* anyway...Life isn't Disney bullshit where lions, birds and meerkats hang out and sing shitty songs. Then theres the ALF (animal liberation front) THESE WACKOS are as bad as the jerkoffs who blow up "abortion clinics" ARRRRRR. Well Im getting a headache...
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