Sunday, June 01, 2008


OK. Here is what's been happening on the WL home front. My grandmother died on Thursday the DAY BEFORE my dad left to go to Toronto did he call me OR my brothers? NOPE. I found out this MORNING that she died and naturally I called my stepmother to ask when my dad was coming home etc etc. Did she pick up the phone and call? NOPE! So I'm rather upset with certain members of my family right now.

I would now like to steer my rant towards politics (don't I always??) everyone knows that Florida/Michigan's Democratic primary votes didn't count BECAUSE THEY BROKE PARTY RULES BY PUSHING UP THEIR PRIMARIES AND WERE WARNED THAT IF THEY DID MOVE THEIR PRIMARIES THEIR VOTES WOULDN'T COUNT. Now, yesterday the dnc had a hearing to see if MI and FL should be allowed to be represented at the convention, if votes/delegates should be counted...and guess who were the ones who pushed this...Clinton supporters...SHOCKING. I agree that the voters shouldn't be punished and all that but ITS THEIR OWN STATES THEY SHOULD BE UPSET WITH BECAUSE THEY BROKE THE RULES AND EVERYONE HAS TO PAY....unfortunately. Now Clinton supporters are threatening to vote for McCain (that's smart...yes, lets get another out-of-touch-war-monger president in office!!) Democrats should be UNITING against McCain and pointing out how out of touch the guy is, not bitching because THEIR nominee isn't winning. Buncha sore losers. Now they're planning on to the convention so....its just a mess, and I hope people realize that WE CANNOT AFFORD ANOTHER REPUBLICAN president. ugh.

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