Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I'll comment on this later...

Later...... Dear Parents of "Adolf" : OK, first off, WHY would you name your kid Adolf Hitler? seriously...think about how the kid will be treated throughout life and a little less about your warped way of thinking. Also if you aren't a bigot then why does your daughters name include "Aryan Nation" in it??? Because it was "Cool" and "No one else has the name"...no shit, you know WHY people don't have that name, BECAUSE IT IS synonymous with GENOCIDE, Go to Germany and pull that white power BS and see how fast your ass lands in prison you dope. My advice....STOP REPRODUCING. We don't need anymore grade-A morons in this world, and honestly, I don't want to pay for YOUR kids court bills because they tried to hang some minority. As for the "mixed breeding" thing, well I'm sorry to say cupcake but, if people didn't "mix" then, well society would collapse. Also, one last thing....I'm sick of you white power/pride/trash idiots hiding behind the first amendment, it was made to PROTECT people, not to have you fuck heads abuse it by spreading hate and coming pretty close -if not- inciting violence. So in closing, you're an idiot and you should have you kids taken away for being an IDIOT. I say Good Day.

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