Thursday, April 30, 2009


So I was going to do my "Political Rant Week" thing on uh, Foreign Policy and National Security but decided against it after I watched Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" segment. Now, I am so fucking pissed at how these two women got elected - Michele Bachmann from Minnesoda and Virginia Foxx from NC.

Both of these women should BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES, especially Foxx. I am more angry over what Foxx said, because lets face it, for those of you who have heard Bachmann speak you probably say the same thing I say to my self which is "We let this woman operate a moving vehicle? AND VOTE?? ohhh mmman!!" *forehead slap*. Bachmann is just clueless and is a dimwitted bimbo who just lets her mouth spew out rancid diarreah with corn. As for Foxx, I wasn't that familiar with her but after hearing what she said on the house floor yesterday I was appauled. Here's the video of her >

As far as I'm concerned this lady should either apologize and VOTE for the Hate Crimes Act or resign. HOW DARE she be that insensitive ESPECIALLY when the mother of the victim is right there!!!! I encourage all to either call or e-mail her about how insensitive she is and how out of touch she is and that she should probably get her fucking facts straight before she spews intolerance.

Thank you, have a nice day.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Political Rant Week...Contiuned.

Alright, even though I've been ignoring my rant fest ( I wasn't in the mood...too many things were going on) I'm still going to write some stuff. I'll probably start up again tomorrow with human rights or something...maybe tackle abortion. Meh, we'll see.

I think the cut on my finger is infected. :/

Friday, April 24, 2009

Political Rant Week

Technically Day #5, but I forgot to do this thing yesterday. So, I'll say its...
Day #4

Topic: Gun Control

I have a few bones to pick with this issue. Allow me to be stereotypical for a moment by saying as a bleeding heart liberal - I completely agree with having restrictions on guns -i.e. how long it takes to get them, who can and can't have them and what kinds are sold.

It made me laugh when after Obama was elected people where so fucking concerned about their precious guns that they wen't out to buy more fearing that they wouldn't be able to get them when Obama took the Oath of Office. What the hell is wrong with people? He isn't going to take ANY ONES guns away - unless you're a maniac, mental case, criminal, or just plain looney. If you PAY ATTENTION you will find that he wants to BAN ASSAULT RIFLES (think AK-47s) because NO ONE should have access to those unless you're a avid/serious gun collector or are in the military, also will make it a crime to carry them onto school campuses. I mean come on, no president (unless they were more liberal than I am - scary thought) would take away any ones guns.

Look, I'm all for the "right to bear arms" even though that was put in the constitution when we were having to protect our newly formed country from Britain and were going through a revolution - things we aren't going through currently- but anyway if you need an assault rifle to hunt you're an idiot. If you have a gun in your house....PLEASE lock it up so little kids or ANY kid for that matter, can't get to it. Lastly, guns aren't toys, and if you right wing wackos are more concerned about whats going to happen to your guns then many other things that are WAY more important (health care, economy) well then, you don't deserve to have the right to have a voice in such matters. Sorry.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Political Rant Week

Day #3
Topic: LGBT rights, and why they deserve them.

Today I'm going to start touching on various human rights issues...and you better believe I'm going to talk more about it! Anyway, as most know I live in California - one of the most liberal states (sometimes), and most know about the Proposition that was unfortunately passed in November.

Prop. 8 (which banned same-sex marriage) passed by 53% (or somewhere in there). During the campaign I was VERY tempted to go around my neighborhood and tear down all the "Yes on 8" signs. What right do people have to take away rights of another? Interracial marriages were once banned but that got turned over because it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL - which is what the California Supreme Court ruled in this- so why was it even on the ballot if the CA SC declared it so? I'll tell you why - and be warned I might offend :)

It was on the ballot because these right wing nut cases are trying to control how OTHER PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES - YET again. How does two women or two men affect their lives? Are they so paranoid that if it passed their spouses would automatically turn gay?!?! OH NO!!! or - Heaven forbid- their children would....turn gay? OHHHHH NOOOO!!! Because homosexuals are sexual deviants who go about raping, and converting your little Billy into something FAB-U-LOUS *snaps fingers* well that's part of it...they're afraid and paranoid. Another part has to do with what a FICTITIOUS BOOK says - (and for the record the bible only talked about gay men...never says anything about Lesbians - YOU GO FOR IT GIRLS!!!) see, this is why they separated church and state because shit like this happens and its all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

The United States prides its self as being a "free" nation and how people get to live freely - get to pick what schools they go to, colleges, who they like - fall in love with, marry, but if you're gay well you're shit out of luck because of what some evangelical morons have to say.

After prop. 8 was passed I was shocked and extremely angry, HOW DARE the religious right or anybody tell ANYONE who they can and can't marry or love. It's sickening. They should be ashamed of themselves- FOR SHAME. They go about preaching love and acceptance yet, are so fucking judgemental towards people they know NOTHING about. Hopefully within the next couple of months the CA Supreme Court will rule ONCE AGAIN that it is unconstitutional to bar homosexuals from marrying.

Oh...not trying to hype myself up but...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Political Rant Week

Day #2

Topic - Taxes, Tea Parties, and Republicans...oh my!

Like yesterday I'm going to start off saying I know taxes aren't fun, they aren't made to be fun...but we have to do it...unless you like jail.

I was going to write a whole sch peal about how the rich should pay more taxes and the middle/lower classes should pay Billie Jean said "FAIR IS FAIR!!!" anyway...I was like 90+ degrees today and my brain in kinda on auto pilot so all I'm going to say is this...

If you are wealthy and complain about the taxes you pay... you SHOULD pay more, and if you don't think you should well then, you don't have to drive on the streets, have your children go to our schools, you don't have to hike, camp in our parks, if you have a fire you don't HAVE to call the fire department, If a loved one needs medical assistance you don't have to go to our hospitals or call the paramedics, if your house is broken into you don't have to call the cops...SO QUIT YOUR BITCHING AND DO YOUR PART!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Political Rant Week

Day #1
Topic: Socialism is fun!

Before I get into how much I hate the GOP right now I would first like to say that I DO NOT dislike ALL Republicans, Libertarians etc etc - I know that the few "bad apples" don't speak for everyone but they DO damage the ones who aren't complete douche bags.

Moving on. I've decided to do a whole week full of rants mainly because it helps me calm down - so I don't blow up at someone- and also I've come in contact with more idiots than I would like to, and am tired of people (mainly the right) blowing things out of proportion.
What I would first like to touch is the whole "Obama is a Socialist....Watch out!!!" thing. This all started when Joe the "Plummer" asked a question about Obamas tax plan during his campaign , "he wants to spread the wealth" McCain and other Republicans ran with this. "HE'S A SOCIALIST!!!" and since hes a socialist, he must like communist too right? and of course Obama had to defend himself, at this time I was thinking...Yeah, and? See, I highly doubt that McCain and other GOP members even know the difference between Socialism and communism, buuut it doesn't matter because they're both BAD!!! BAH! Bullshit. Look at most of Europe - especially Scandinavia and the Netherlands - they pretty much run on Socialist based Gov'ts (i.e. everyone gets health care, free daycare, both parents receive time off when having a child) and that's bad why?? don't all people deserve these things?? The gov't has a DUTY to make sure ALL its citizens are taken care of. People have no need to be afraid of Socialism - Communist...that's another story. So in closing, I do think that Obama is somewhat of a Socialist in that he thinks everyone, rich, poor, middle class deserves free health care etc etc. He has already proven that his is willing to work with everyone to get these things in motion as well.

Tomorrow I tackle every ones favorite...TAXES!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Now Liverpool F.C. is out of the UEFA Champions League...Beaten by Chelsea FC again.


Oh well, there's always next year.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Liverpool is out of the UEFA Champions League...


Wait, no they aren't...They just let Chelsea F.C. beat them...WHEN THEY'VE BEEN ON A WINNING STREAK FOR WEEKS!!!!AND THEY LET SOMEONE BEAT THEM NOW?!?!?!


Saturday, April 04, 2009