Friday, April 24, 2009

Political Rant Week

Technically Day #5, but I forgot to do this thing yesterday. So, I'll say its...
Day #4

Topic: Gun Control

I have a few bones to pick with this issue. Allow me to be stereotypical for a moment by saying as a bleeding heart liberal - I completely agree with having restrictions on guns -i.e. how long it takes to get them, who can and can't have them and what kinds are sold.

It made me laugh when after Obama was elected people where so fucking concerned about their precious guns that they wen't out to buy more fearing that they wouldn't be able to get them when Obama took the Oath of Office. What the hell is wrong with people? He isn't going to take ANY ONES guns away - unless you're a maniac, mental case, criminal, or just plain looney. If you PAY ATTENTION you will find that he wants to BAN ASSAULT RIFLES (think AK-47s) because NO ONE should have access to those unless you're a avid/serious gun collector or are in the military, also will make it a crime to carry them onto school campuses. I mean come on, no president (unless they were more liberal than I am - scary thought) would take away any ones guns.

Look, I'm all for the "right to bear arms" even though that was put in the constitution when we were having to protect our newly formed country from Britain and were going through a revolution - things we aren't going through currently- but anyway if you need an assault rifle to hunt you're an idiot. If you have a gun in your house....PLEASE lock it up so little kids or ANY kid for that matter, can't get to it. Lastly, guns aren't toys, and if you right wing wackos are more concerned about whats going to happen to your guns then many other things that are WAY more important (health care, economy) well then, you don't deserve to have the right to have a voice in such matters. Sorry.

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