Tuesday, May 26, 2009


It's a sad, sad, sad day in California.

The supreme court decided to go along with prejudice and bigotry by upholding Prop. 8, yeah I understand it got the majority of the vote but it doesn't matter...ITS FLAT OUT DISCRIMINATION...pure and simple. How DARE people try and control how others live. This all boils down to religion which is asinine (Church and state are supposed to be separate remember??)

Everyone who voted "yes" on prop.8 should be ashamed of themselves and really need to take a good look at themselves in the mirror, but they're probably too self righteous to care.

congratulate yourselves, you've taken away the rights of numerous people in this state who have done nothing wrong, you've keep them down as second class citizens and made them feel less then wanted. They pay taxes, have jobs, have families and support this country just like you do but just because they're different and don't go by what a religious book says you strip them of their rights. How dare you!! I hope god smites you, and Jesus would be appalled that such bigots claim to follow him.

Also, think of all the revenue the state of Cali would've gotten from all new marriages. But of course you don't care because homosexuals are sub-human right?
Yeah, well let me tell you people something, karma is a bitch and we of the straight and gay communities that are not bigots won't and WILL not let you keep anyone down for bullshit reasons. Homosexuals ARE HUMAN BEINGS who deserve as much rights as anyone else they are not sexual deviants, or perverts who go about molesting little kids or spread disease.

And if you're offended by me calling you "bigots" well, sorry to say (actually I'm not sorry at all) but YOU ARE intolerant, self righteous bigots.

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