As we all know I don't like to sugar coat things or idiots, in fact I often make people PAY for the stupid stuff they say and do.
One example happened during the far out summer of 2007 when I went with my dad, step-mom and younger siblings into that mystical land we call Canada to visit family.
After 10 days of non-stop Canadians and my little brothers constant complaining it was time to head back to the "golden state". All I wanted to do was get home, once on the little Canadair jet that would take me back home I settled into my seat which was a window one (yes!) I was all comfy with my pillow and getting my CD player out when this woman comes up looks at me, frowns and mutters under her breath ''but I wanted to sit by the window." I nearly told her to go tell someone who gives a shit but...said to my self ''You know what lady, you just made a very very very bad decision and now I'm going to make the next hour and a half of your life miserable". What did I do? Well, I made sure that when I 'slept' that my mouth was wide open and my horrible swamp breath went right to her nostrils (I didn't brush my teeth that day...maybe that's what led to my root canal? *shrug* ) I also laid the sickest farts throughout the flight and once we were allowed to leave the plane that woman flew off that damn aircraft so fast. I chuckled a small chuckle and told my dad and step-mom about the ordeal and they laughed too.
Moral of the story: Do be a pain in the ass...ever. Don't be a douche bag aren't the only one in this world so just STOP, life is too short to be an asshole.
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