What an election! Not only did Obama win more than 100+ electoral votes than Romney he ALSO won the popular vote (albeit it was close) but he got it. But what made the whole night or "was the icing on the cake with a cherry" was the complete SHOCK of those who supported Romney- most notably everyone on Fox News. When Ohio was given to Obama you couldn't get a strong enough shovel to get their jaws off the ground...and that's putting it mildly. Karl Rove (who got a Ph.D in crookery) completely freaked out and tried to persuade Fox to not give the votes to Obama, then tried to persuade the Romney campaign from conceding. There's also reports that Romney had a plane waiting for him at Logan that would take him to Ohio. Then there were the images and video from Romney HQ in Boston. A sea of white people crumbled to the floor, plowed their faces into open hands, scowled like Scrooge, crossed their arms like 5-year-olds do when they don't get their way, and most importantly the utter disbelief, shock and horror on their faces. I have to admit that all that is the second best thing about this election. ALL the money that was given to Romney by all those scumbags means NOTHING. People like Donald Trump, Victoria Jackson, and Ted Nugent immediately took to Twitter and like Rove came close to speaking in tongues and shitting themselves (this would be the second time for Nugent because he did that to get out of the draft during Vietnam...some American). Aside from Romney not getting elected it was also a bad night for the tea party who lost several seats, as well as Todd Aiken and the other "rape guy" not getting elected although, Bachmann aka "the mom from Carrie" (as Bill Maher put it) did get re-elected- BARELY.
All in all it was a great night for not just liberals but the country. There's one last thing I have to do...and open letter to the GOP and everyone who lost their minds on Tuesday.
Dear, GOP:
I'm not sorry you lost Tuesday in fact, I'm elated that you lost. You have only yourselves to blame and that goes for all of you, you lost due to your lack of smarts / lack of balls.
For those of you who are moderate and have half a brain, Where...the fuck have you been?! This is what happens when you let irrational and immoral people take over your party. You've let tea baggers, racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, and just plain crazies take over your party. Four years ago when Mitch McConnell said that the ultimate job of the GOP was to deny Obama a second term you lost all of my respect and I know I'm not the only one. Your party REFUSED to work with Obama and the democrats because you wanted them to fail and in 2010 it almost happened when you ran a smear campaign against them. You also have no respect whatsoever for Obama. He TRIED to play nice in the sandbox with you but nope, couldn't do it. For the past 4 years you have become obstructionist assholes. There has NEVER been this much absolute disrespect for a president, and saying that "we" did the same thing to Bush...that's bullshit and you know it. Bush invaded TWO countries and cost this country trillions of dollars due to horrible policies not to mention his sorry excuse for a cabinet who, as far as I'm concerned, was full of war criminals. You think the American people are stupid and wouldn't pay attention and hopefully share your warped views on democracy.
You attacked, insulted and excluded women from all around by trying to control how we take care of OUR bodies and had members try and pass bills that would redefine rape so it would be harder to obtain an abortion, tried to deny us access to birth control, and basic reproductive health care. YOU didn't stand up for us when people like Rush Limbaugh were calling us sluts YOUR presidential nominee (in response to Limbaugh's tirade) said "Not the words I would've chosen", as well as him picking a running mate that wants to outlaw various forms of birth control and IVF as well as being against abortion even in cases of rape and incest.
When people claimed Obama was a "communist", "socialist", "fascist", "reverse racist", said he's not a real American you did NOTHING. When lame excuse for a decent human, Donald Trump, made wild accusations and tried to EXTORT Obama you again did NOTHING.
You attack the LGBT community and act like they're deviants and not even second class citizens, you treat them worse that cows on a feed lot, you want a "smaller government" but want to make laws that control how people live their lives. You're intolerant and have excluded everyone from your base except rich white (mostly) men. You've offended pretty much every single demographic (thinking Cubans are the same as Mexicans for one).
You have the chance now to try and put all these and other blunders behind you. YOU have the chance to make this country better, YOU have to make it work. The government shouldn't only serve a select few but everyone- from all walks of life. On Tuesday the country spoke (again) letting you know that we didn't take your bait. You can freak out and talk about how the country can't "afford" four more years and blah blah blah but the democrats didn't cause this problem. They didn't cause the economy to crash, they didn't attack women, they didn't attack the LGBT community, they didn't call the president a liar during a speech, YOU DID. Take a hint, humble yourselves and learn from this.
There. I'm done.
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