Firstly I don't think Snowden's intentions were entirely pure. As I was reading my Twitter feed I noticed someone called him a "grandiose narcissist", which makes a whole lot of sense. The answers he gave about why he did it and what he hoped would happen as a result irked me. He came off arrogant, naive, and even a little callous as if he did this for selfish reasons to get back at someone, not to protect American population from 'big brother'.
Secondly, what do you people expect? This IS the patriot act, SPYING is one of the main tenants of this garbage disguised as something that's supposed to protect us. Surveillance operations were made public many years ago. Where was all the outrage when it was being shoved through congress? We were given these horrible scenarios of what would happen if it wasn't passed and we also got that sorry excuse for a warning system called The 'Homeland Security Advisory System'. Where was the outrage when Facebook started to sell information? Government surveillance is old news. For 8 years we were fed fear and this is the result. This is what happens when you live an apathetic lifestyle and fall asleep at the wheel.
And lastly, I am NOT by ANY means condoning what the NSA did or does and it's a little scary but we happen to live in an age where the vast majority of the world is connected by the internet, which is a huge threat to not just our national security but our allies and frenemies. It's kinda like when that crackpot named Terry Jones down in Florida wanted to burn the Qur'an- if he would've went through with it, it would've put those in our military in danger but the guy didn't care because he wanted to do it for his own selfish reasons, just like Snowden or the soldiers who decided to piss on dead bodies of enemy combatants- not thinking clearly about the consequences it has on others. I'm not saying we should lay down and let the government strip us of our civil liberties and maybe I'm backing off my deeply rooted socialist ties but some things are meant to be classified, yeah we have a right to know whether of not our phone records and internet searches are being seen and I think most people have nothing to hide but like I stated earlier, it's a different time and age, where a lot of chatter happens on the internet and that's where we find a lot of information on those hell bent on affecting our way of life. Also, I'm not 'one of those people' who thinks the government is going to turn tyrannical or 'we have to do what we have to do for the protection of this country' or whatever but maybe this will teach some to pay attention to what's happening and if you really don't want the government seeing what you do then don't go on Twitter, Facebook, or any other social networking site.
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