As all know a horrible thing happened this past Saturday in Arizona. If you don't I suggest you crawl out from your sewer and turn on the news....with that being said I didn't make a post during or immediately following the incident because I really don't want this to be a slew of words mashed together (which I have a tendency to do) nor did I want it to be like one of my 'normal' rants and I had a lot of things going through my head that needed to be filtered - Who did it, Why did someone do it, HOW did it happen- pretty much everything everyone else was experiencing. As more information has come out people have begun to point fingers at who they think have blood on their hands. A sheriff has come out to say that Arizona has become a hot bed due to the Presidential election of 2008, immigration, gun control, and health reform...but none of these topics warrant the decision that was made by those who committed this act, normal people know this but as we all know over the past 2 years the political climate here has become very volatile.
I am not going to point my finger at any one person who I think might be at fault because lets face it, the only person directly at fault is the shooter and his suspected accomplices. BUT I do think some people who are in the public eye have a hand in fueling the fire that rested in the killers belly and yes I think one of those who did this is none other than Sarah Palin (the others being Glenn Beck, and Michelle Bachmann). For the past 2 years Obama has been in office these three in particular have been the voice for groups like the "tea party" and the "birther movement". Like I keep pointing out I don't want to sit here and play the blame game but its hard when you have people making pictures of districts that need to be "taken back" and the districts are represented by cross know the ones you see when looking through an assault rifle, you also have this guy on TV with his chalk board who writes insane things on it (most of the time not making any sense at all) who cries because he "fears for his country". THEN you have this woman who has told her supporters things like "Be armed and dangerous" referring to an Obama administration cap and trade tax policy that limits greenhouse gases. These kinds of actions plant seeds inside people. But when asked about these damaging phrases they back track and hide behind an amendment that they know nothing about "I didn't mean it that was a metaphor" I'm going to be straight forward and be mean by saying that I think the types of people who cling to every word these three (as well as others like them) say are less educated than others...and yes some are flat out bigoted buffoons.
I'm not just pointing the finger at the GOP and tea baggers...the democrats are just as guilty. Instead of trying to out wit these people they have fired back with some of the same rhetoric. BOTH parties should have nipped this bullshit in the bud ASAP. But they didn't...instead they chose to keep turning the dagger and making jabs. Then there's the media who has over sensationalized things over and over and over again most of the time making them seem a lot worse than they are. We need to STOP this. The Republicans need to come out to the public and denounce these people - so do the Democrats. The hippy part of me wants everyone to shut up and listen...and look around. Its true us liberals viciously attacked George Bush over and over again but look at what happened during his presidency - two wars, massive debt, restrictive on social issues (gay rights, stem cell research etc). Obama isn't perfect -far from it- but he is trying to make this country work. He isn't a Muslim (and so what if he was), wasn't born in Kenya, and he isn't a Socialist NOR a Nazi. He is a human being like all of us. Its time we started to act like it. WE need to take a step back and look at ourselves. My mom says that my generation has back tracked on everything her generation did during the 60's and 70's and I'm starting to believe her. The youth of this country has a lot of swing to it IF we get our shit together and WE have to inhabit this world WE have to work and live with all types of people some good, some bad. It doesn't seem like it but I try to show everyone with respect (you should always treat the garbage man the same way you would treat the Queen of England) and I know it gets hard but lets try to change this.
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