Monday, February 14, 2011

Marriage, love, relationships and Why I Hate Valentines Day.

I was going to make this post about how much I hate Valentines Day but I've decided to make it about all things love wise! Also I AM NOT signaling any one person out- so don't internalize it.

Even though I do in fact hate Valentines Day I have been sucked into it on occasion for instance - I used to buy my little brother and sister baskets filled with all the pink, red and white shit they sell but, I did it mainly because I like to make them happy and enjoy seeing them enjoy it. Anyway most know my stance on marriage - I think everyone should be allowed to get married (human wise that is). Gay marriage isn't going to make the sky fall, and religion needs to keep its nose out of business it has no part in, and for that reason I have myself made the decision not to get married until everyone else can- if that never happens then...whatever I'm not in a hurry. I'm also not one of these people who marks their first week together or second week or blah blah blah....who cares if you've been a couple for 72 hours. I also don't understand why some people get so clingy. As an introvert this really makes me and alone time can be a wonderful thing but if you have someone going "HEY! where you going? What you doing!?! Can I come?!?!" Look, everyone has their own shit to do and you can't be around that person all the time. To me it signals huge trust issues (duuuhh). Also if you're going to fight, fight on your own time. Don't go online and bitch each other out in front of everyone no one cares and no one wants to hear it, it makes you both look like idiots...and attention whores not to mention immature. Lastly, in almost every relationship the thought of children comes up. I have seen so many people throughout my adult life have kids that they don't deserve. Having children is NOT a relationship saver nor are they accessories. If you have a child to save a relationship you're an moron, its going to make things worse - trust me. Plus don't have a kid if you can't afford it...please. Be respectful of each other, don't be a constant victim, take some criticism and just keep calm in dark times no matter how hard it might be...that's my advice for the day.

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