I've decided to take a break from my normal political rants and concentrate on the whole Roman Polanski mess.
Its safe to say that I'm a little more than baffled that prominent directors are supporting Polanski. What? Why? Yeah I get the whole "we directors have to stick together" and that he's made some pretty good films (my personal favorite The Pianist) and it doesn't matter that it's been some 30+ years since it happened and that the victim wants to get on with her life, what DOES matter however, is that he gave a 13-year-old Quaaludes, raped her THEN fled the country because a plea deal wasn't going to go through! Time doesn't heal all wounds. Like I stated earlier so the fuck what if he's an Oscar winner and made some good flicks...he abused/violated someone. My advice to all those who allegedly signed a petition to pardon Polanski...what if it was YOUR daughter? Would you feel the same? My guess is probably not.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
So, I just got back from a town hall meeting that our Rep. Lois Capps had and Jesus Christ...what the FUCK is the matter with people? I mean it was quiet...some of it ( I would say it was better than the earlier town hall meetings) But it was interesting all those who oppose the bill and think Obama is a Socialist AND Nazi (news flash - DIFFERENT ideologies!! wait that's a big and hard to pronounce word! ) and blah blah blah sat together (how adorable!) They all left at the same time (so they could have ample time to get their cute little bullshit signs out of their cars). I shushed some people and towards the end some guy sat in my row talking to himself saying "American has the best health care" (shall I laugh now, or later?) and then he put his face in his hands proceeded to beat his head with fists...whatever dude, go read a book will you? If you can even read. But by far the most exciting event happened after the meeting some tall boisterous nut job started to flap his lips about how this is a democracy and how he has the right to ''express'' himself...time out...you know part of a democracy is to listen to other people as well and he didn't let that happen he just kept going on and on about how the bill is socialism and how we live in the United States of America (I know where I am moron, I can even name the state I live in!!) and how I should go to Canada and how people from Canada come here to get health care, well that's bull. People here GO THERE for care, you know where they also go wing nut? MEXICO! ARRRRRIBA! OLAY!! Anyway, I started to tell him my father is a Canadian and half my family lives there and also my grandmother wouldn't of lived as long as she had WITHOUT socialized medicine and how she never dreamed of coming here for care and go everything she needed medically. But the guy would not shut up! He just kept talking, er yelling, over my mom and I not really letting us get a word in edge wise (although my mom got some punches in and he shut up after each one of them) by that time I had completely LOST it and unfortunately I have yet to cut the drama, yelling and swearing down and just started to yell and kinda made a loon out of my self. My saving grace - and maybe this is my superiority complex talking - I am a 25 year old woman who is smarter than the average bear and I know that and am proud of how I was raised and how I think. What I need to do however, is work on not getting so emotional and just use my intellect to prove how stupid, racist, and how uneducated these people are. I mean com'on how many freakin' times does the president and others who support this bill have to explain that it isn't socialism, it won't bankrupt the country etc etc. sigh...sometimes I really do want to move to Canada or to a Euro country so I can just go out, sit at a cafe and not have some moron behind me spewing complete and utter bullshit about something they know nothing about and don't want to learn about.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
I know I've been ignoring this thing lately...school started and boy is it EVER going to be a fun semester!! Why?
1) budget cuts - 100+ classes have been cancelled - business department took the biggest hit.
2) Tuition went up - used to be 20$ a unit (most classes are 3-4 units) to 26$ a unit
...Then again, it could be worse...I know my tuition is nothing compared to most.
1) budget cuts - 100+ classes have been cancelled - business department took the biggest hit.
2) Tuition went up - used to be 20$ a unit (most classes are 3-4 units) to 26$ a unit
...Then again, it could be worse...I know my tuition is nothing compared to most.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Don't make me regret things...please?
As I stated earlier in the week I am rather disgusted by those who were...are making fools of themselves by barking, screaming and yelling at town halls regarding a gov't run health care plan. I was disgruntled on how the GOP was spreading horrible rumors about what would happen if the gov't were to control health care ( ''death panels'', Socialism ) when in fact medicare is run by the gov't. But I now find myself getting disgruntled with the Democrats, AND Obama. Look, I'm glad he's our president, his heart is in the right place and wants whats best for the U.S. BUT, this constant backing down needs to stop. COME ON DUDE! I know the GOP may seem scary but their bark is worse than their bite. People in this country need a leader who will stand up to people, not cower to them (ESPECIALLY the GOP). I haven't lost hope in you and don't regret my vote...YET.
OH! Another 'Thank you' to our Governor Arnold Swatz..Schwarzenegger (or however you spell that douches name) for fucking up not only HIV/AIDS programs across the state but ALSO the education system...THAAAAAAAANKS!!
OH! Another 'Thank you' to our Governor Arnold Swatz..Schwarzenegger (or however you spell that douches name) for fucking up not only HIV/AIDS programs across the state but ALSO the education system...THAAAAAAAANKS!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
When a Society Fails.
I've been trying my best to get my thoughts together and get a grasp on whats been happening regarding health care in this country and the constant bashing of Obama and how he's running the country. Even going as far as to write a few drafts on what I wanted to say (wasted a few pieces of paper doing it...) I have found myself getting very very very irritated by how some in this country have been acting. First I would like to address this whole "Obama is a Socialist/Nazi/Communist/Fascist/...who cares". I am 99.9% sure that the people who claim that he is one of those, if asked, couldn't explain them...idiots have a hard time defining different ''isms'' and other large words. Yes that's right, I called you IDIOTS because you are. Make up your minds, is he a commie? Nazi? because he can't be both, not to mention their spelling is atrocious (saw a guy with a sign that said "Obama is a Socilist"). Now, what makes Obama a socialist? Because he thinks all Americans should have access to affordable/good health care? What an evil evil man! How dare he treat people with compassion, that scum! Also, this whole ''death panel'' thing needs to stop, he isn't going to go out and kill anyone. This isn't Nazi Germany, so a euthanasia program is out of the question not to mention extremely outlandish and a scare tactic - Got it Sarah? Good, now shut your fucking mouth before you embarrass yourself further. Moving on, now what about those who are attending these town hall meetings only to yell and start fights with senators and such? Idiots as well. I saw one person stand up and talk about how the government needs to stay out of medicare. WHAT?? News flash moron Medicare is government run!! And if I can stay it works pretty well. Look, even though I think Obama is putting too many things on his plate at the moment- his heart is in a good place. Every citizen deserves health care and its the governments place to provide it to its people. France, Germany, England, Sweden, Netherlands, Canada and other countries all have single payer health care systems...yes their taxes are higher but I think the good out weighs the ''bad''.
My other beef is with the GOP- naturally. During the election and before the inauguration the GOP said that it was "looking forward to bipartisanship", that went out the window real quick. I seriously think that some Republicans are so upset that Barack beat McCain that they will do everything and anything to make him look bad and fail at whatever he tries to do- health care debate presently. Rush Limbaugh (who is doing a fantastic job acting like Joseph Goebbels), Sarah Palin, and faux news (among others) are doing their best to spread scare tactics throughout the U.S. (ooohh Obama and the democrats are gonna take your guns!! booga booga booga!!) and it says a lot about those who choose to feed with them.
In closing I would like to say that I hope those who buy into these fictitious, outlandish and disgusting scare tactics grow a brain and come to realize that Obama isn't the boogey man and has no intention of killing your grandma, stealing your children and eat them. Calm down, read a fucking dictionary and most importantly...THINK, if you're still capable of that.
My other beef is with the GOP- naturally. During the election and before the inauguration the GOP said that it was "looking forward to bipartisanship", that went out the window real quick. I seriously think that some Republicans are so upset that Barack beat McCain that they will do everything and anything to make him look bad and fail at whatever he tries to do- health care debate presently. Rush Limbaugh (who is doing a fantastic job acting like Joseph Goebbels), Sarah Palin, and faux news (among others) are doing their best to spread scare tactics throughout the U.S. (ooohh Obama and the democrats are gonna take your guns!! booga booga booga!!) and it says a lot about those who choose to feed with them.
In closing I would like to say that I hope those who buy into these fictitious, outlandish and disgusting scare tactics grow a brain and come to realize that Obama isn't the boogey man and has no intention of killing your grandma, stealing your children and eat them. Calm down, read a fucking dictionary and most importantly...THINK, if you're still capable of that.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Went to my eldest brothers wedding yesterday, hopefully less stress now. Got a sister-in-law now. Yaaaay!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Why do they put people like this on TV??
This whole "birther" movement needs to stop...seriously. Even Ann Coulter has called them ''cranks''. Jesus Christ, if Ann Coulter is calling you crazy you must be fucking crazy.
Why do they put people like this on TV??
This whole "birther" movement needs to stop...seriously. Even Ann Coulter has called them ''cranks''. Jesus Christ, if Ann Coulter is calling you crazy you must be fucking crazy.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
I need a new...
Hand. The right to be specific, within the last week I have:
burnt it with a match that I wasn't paying attention to (index and thumb), cut it on a peach can (knuckles), had a cat attack it, cut it on a jar of mayo -(thumb...don't ask), got it stuck in metal cart at work (pinkie). Enough already.
burnt it with a match that I wasn't paying attention to (index and thumb), cut it on a peach can (knuckles), had a cat attack it, cut it on a jar of mayo -(thumb...don't ask), got it stuck in metal cart at work (pinkie). Enough already.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Don't F**K with me!
As we all know I don't like to sugar coat things or idiots, in fact I often make people PAY for the stupid stuff they say and do.
One example happened during the far out summer of 2007 when I went with my dad, step-mom and younger siblings into that mystical land we call Canada to visit family.
After 10 days of non-stop Canadians and my little brothers constant complaining it was time to head back to the "golden state". All I wanted to do was get home, once on the little Canadair jet that would take me back home I settled into my seat which was a window one (yes!) I was all comfy with my pillow and getting my CD player out when this woman comes up looks at me, frowns and mutters under her breath ''but I wanted to sit by the window." I nearly told her to go tell someone who gives a shit but...said to my self ''You know what lady, you just made a very very very bad decision and now I'm going to make the next hour and a half of your life miserable". What did I do? Well, I made sure that when I 'slept' that my mouth was wide open and my horrible swamp breath went right to her nostrils (I didn't brush my teeth that day...maybe that's what led to my root canal? *shrug* ) I also laid the sickest farts throughout the flight and once we were allowed to leave the plane that woman flew off that damn aircraft so fast. I chuckled a small chuckle and told my dad and step-mom about the ordeal and they laughed too.
Moral of the story: Do be a pain in the ass...ever. Don't be a douche bag either...you aren't the only one in this world so just STOP, life is too short to be an asshole.
One example happened during the far out summer of 2007 when I went with my dad, step-mom and younger siblings into that mystical land we call Canada to visit family.
After 10 days of non-stop Canadians and my little brothers constant complaining it was time to head back to the "golden state". All I wanted to do was get home, once on the little Canadair jet that would take me back home I settled into my seat which was a window one (yes!) I was all comfy with my pillow and getting my CD player out when this woman comes up looks at me, frowns and mutters under her breath ''but I wanted to sit by the window." I nearly told her to go tell someone who gives a shit but...said to my self ''You know what lady, you just made a very very very bad decision and now I'm going to make the next hour and a half of your life miserable". What did I do? Well, I made sure that when I 'slept' that my mouth was wide open and my horrible swamp breath went right to her nostrils (I didn't brush my teeth that day...maybe that's what led to my root canal? *shrug* ) I also laid the sickest farts throughout the flight and once we were allowed to leave the plane that woman flew off that damn aircraft so fast. I chuckled a small chuckle and told my dad and step-mom about the ordeal and they laughed too.
Moral of the story: Do be a pain in the ass...ever. Don't be a douche bag either...you aren't the only one in this world so just STOP, life is too short to be an asshole.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fuck Arnold
So my mom just lost her job because our fuck-up of a governor cut HIV/AIDS funding. So, no HIV tests, counseling, etc etc.
Thanks asshole. I hope you enjoy having blood on your hands.
Thanks asshole. I hope you enjoy having blood on your hands.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I'm going to campaign (in anyway I can) and endorse Mr. Gavin Newsom for CA governor.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
So I've just realized that my neighbors across the street leave their garage door open at night so their dog can shit all over my lawn as well as dig in it (probably does it to others). well I refuse to pick it up and I'm in the process of writing them a letter about how if they're too lazy to look after their pets then they shouldn't have any.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I've been finding my self becoming more and more involved with gay rights. For one I think it has the potential of being my generations civil rights movement, and after seeing Cleve Jones speak it made me want to do more for the movement - which I will, maybe even make it to Washington D.C. in October to march for equal rights.
Also I've started taking Lorazepam at night in order to sleep. weeeeee....ugh, I feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes.
Also I've started taking Lorazepam at night in order to sleep. weeeeee....ugh, I feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Yay for therapy!
I've been taking all this family drama really hard (crying, sleeping more as well as losing sleep, more agitated than usual, eating out of control- and its not good food either) so hard in fact my ass is going back into therapy and I'll probably have to either up my dosage of anti-depressants OR switch. FUN!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My New Hero
I have decided to pick a new hero, and the wiener is.....
Kim Jong Il of North Korea, why? Here are a few reasons.
1) He travels in a ARMORED train (Cold War status) has lobsters airlifted and eats them with silver chopsticks - meanwhile, North Koreans are starving.
2) Thinks he is GOD. He and his fathers birthdays are national holidays. If you don't celebrate - DEATH.
3) Had a stroke but didn't let it slow him down.
4) Constantly threatens the US of nuclear war, when he can barely get his rockets off the ground.
5) Has those ever popular "Commie" parades.
6) Instead of having cars on the streets there's tanks.
So if you haven't noticed already, I am being quite facetious. Kim Jong Il is nucking futs- I laugh every time this douche threatens us or anyone else (but for the most part all threats have been solely ours and ours alone) Yeah he has nukes and the son of a bitch is probably crazy enough to use one....and I'm the last person to chant "USA USA USA" but if he sets off a rocket towards Hawaii (like hes planning) he's in for a world of hurt. I also laugh when I see him because I always think of the movie Team America. "I'm so....ROANRY!"
Kim Jong Il of North Korea, why? Here are a few reasons.
1) He travels in a ARMORED train (Cold War status) has lobsters airlifted and eats them with silver chopsticks - meanwhile, North Koreans are starving.
2) Thinks he is GOD. He and his fathers birthdays are national holidays. If you don't celebrate - DEATH.
3) Had a stroke but didn't let it slow him down.
4) Constantly threatens the US of nuclear war, when he can barely get his rockets off the ground.
5) Has those ever popular "Commie" parades.
6) Instead of having cars on the streets there's tanks.
So if you haven't noticed already, I am being quite facetious. Kim Jong Il is nucking futs- I laugh every time this douche threatens us or anyone else (but for the most part all threats have been solely ours and ours alone) Yeah he has nukes and the son of a bitch is probably crazy enough to use one....and I'm the last person to chant "USA USA USA" but if he sets off a rocket towards Hawaii (like hes planning) he's in for a world of hurt. I also laugh when I see him because I always think of the movie Team America. "I'm so....ROANRY!"
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Number 8 - my home town...
"California Polytechnic State University infuses the community with intellectual energy." AHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah, by making sure the bars don't go out of business. Rent/house prices are really high - but hey, its California what do you want?
Number 8 - my home town...
"California Polytechnic State University infuses the community with intellectual energy." AHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah, by making sure the bars don't go out of business. Rent/house prices are really high - but hey, its California what do you want?
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Abortion debate reborn
As we all know a doctor who performed third trimester abortions was shot and killed IN CHURCH last week, and now all the anti-abortion advocates/activists are coming out of the wood work. As most know I support a woman's choice to have an abortion - big deal, but I also hate the term "pro-life" let me elaborate... I think people in general (except those who don't take medication for their VARIOUS mental illnesses) are pro-life. I support a woman's right to choose what she thinks is right for HER OWN BODY, but I don't support a woman using abortion as a form of birth control and if you decide in your 4th, 5th, 6th + month you don't want to carry to term and want an abortion when your life or the fetuses isn't threatened - tough shit you had ample time to decide and adoption is a great option.
But there is one thing that REALLY gets under my skin...which is the men that I have seen on TV who are anti-abortion "activists". I know we live in America and people have the freedom to choose what they do/don't support and that's really cute but com'on. Men will never understand the pressures women face around the world - now I'm not saying women are better or anything like that but they don't have a uterus, they've never been told by the media what their body should look like, they've never been forbidden to vote, work etc etc. Simple fact is, is that they just won't and never will understand (just like women will never know what its like to piss standing up - unless...) So my advice to men who are anti-abortion - don't go on TV leave it up to your sheltered, submissive wives who couldn't argue their way out of a goddamn episode of Hannah Montana.
PS. I was "kinda" teaching my younger siblings how to light things on fire with a magnifying glass and in the process set my own pants on fire and burnt my big toe. I guess that's what you get for trying to teach a 8 and 3 year old how to be arsonists.
But there is one thing that REALLY gets under my skin...which is the men that I have seen on TV who are anti-abortion "activists". I know we live in America and people have the freedom to choose what they do/don't support and that's really cute but com'on. Men will never understand the pressures women face around the world - now I'm not saying women are better or anything like that but they don't have a uterus, they've never been told by the media what their body should look like, they've never been forbidden to vote, work etc etc. Simple fact is, is that they just won't and never will understand (just like women will never know what its like to piss standing up - unless...) So my advice to men who are anti-abortion - don't go on TV leave it up to your sheltered, submissive wives who couldn't argue their way out of a goddamn episode of Hannah Montana.
PS. I was "kinda" teaching my younger siblings how to light things on fire with a magnifying glass and in the process set my own pants on fire and burnt my big toe. I guess that's what you get for trying to teach a 8 and 3 year old how to be arsonists.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It's a sad, sad, sad day in California.
The supreme court decided to go along with prejudice and bigotry by upholding Prop. 8, yeah I understand it got the majority of the vote but it doesn't matter...ITS FLAT OUT DISCRIMINATION...pure and simple. How DARE people try and control how others live. This all boils down to religion which is asinine (Church and state are supposed to be separate remember??)
Everyone who voted "yes" on prop.8 should be ashamed of themselves and really need to take a good look at themselves in the mirror, but they're probably too self righteous to care.
congratulate yourselves, you've taken away the rights of numerous people in this state who have done nothing wrong, you've keep them down as second class citizens and made them feel less then wanted. They pay taxes, have jobs, have families and support this country just like you do but just because they're different and don't go by what a religious book says you strip them of their rights. How dare you!! I hope god smites you, and Jesus would be appalled that such bigots claim to follow him.
Also, think of all the revenue the state of Cali would've gotten from all new marriages. But of course you don't care because homosexuals are sub-human right?
Yeah, well let me tell you people something, karma is a bitch and we of the straight and gay communities that are not bigots won't and WILL not let you keep anyone down for bullshit reasons. Homosexuals ARE HUMAN BEINGS who deserve as much rights as anyone else they are not sexual deviants, or perverts who go about molesting little kids or spread disease.
And if you're offended by me calling you "bigots" well, sorry to say (actually I'm not sorry at all) but YOU ARE intolerant, self righteous bigots.
The supreme court decided to go along with prejudice and bigotry by upholding Prop. 8, yeah I understand it got the majority of the vote but it doesn't matter...ITS FLAT OUT DISCRIMINATION...pure and simple. How DARE people try and control how others live. This all boils down to religion which is asinine (Church and state are supposed to be separate remember??)
Everyone who voted "yes" on prop.8 should be ashamed of themselves and really need to take a good look at themselves in the mirror, but they're probably too self righteous to care.
congratulate yourselves, you've taken away the rights of numerous people in this state who have done nothing wrong, you've keep them down as second class citizens and made them feel less then wanted. They pay taxes, have jobs, have families and support this country just like you do but just because they're different and don't go by what a religious book says you strip them of their rights. How dare you!! I hope god smites you, and Jesus would be appalled that such bigots claim to follow him.
Also, think of all the revenue the state of Cali would've gotten from all new marriages. But of course you don't care because homosexuals are sub-human right?
Yeah, well let me tell you people something, karma is a bitch and we of the straight and gay communities that are not bigots won't and WILL not let you keep anyone down for bullshit reasons. Homosexuals ARE HUMAN BEINGS who deserve as much rights as anyone else they are not sexual deviants, or perverts who go about molesting little kids or spread disease.
And if you're offended by me calling you "bigots" well, sorry to say (actually I'm not sorry at all) but YOU ARE intolerant, self righteous bigots.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
I know that I have been ignoring this lately but I've been dealing with family matters...namely those that have to deal with a certain family members upcoming and very stressful wedding...that shouldn't be happening in the first place and feelings are getting hurt over it - but that's my personal opinion. Out of respect I'm not going to spill the beans entirely, but I will say this....fuck money, it causes too many problems.
There I said it.
I'll get back into ranting in a couple days maybe.
There I said it.
I'll get back into ranting in a couple days maybe.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Political Rant Week...Contiuned.
Topic - Foreign Policy/ National Security.
note: this will most likely become a two-part rant....National Security will be done tomorrow
Okie dokie. Lets get this party started.
So as we all remember foreign policy under the Bush Admin. was non-existent (mainly due to his and others assholism and insistent childish actions towards "the axis of evil" - think kids in a sandbox arguing over a toy) ANYWAY, during and after those 8 unfortunate years we lost friends and gained some....more enemies. Also those still claiming to be our allies were none the less fed up with dealing with a swaggering-"tough" talkin' Texan (although he was born in New Haven Connecticut) and some bald fat Vampire whose face almost broke if he smiled. So, When Barack Hussein Obama took office it was time for damage control and unlike his predecessor he decided to TALK directly to people instead of talking shit about them from afar. Boy, did the GOP and other right-wingers take this badly. So why is the right so pissed about this? Well for one reason Obama is "negotiating with terrorists"....TIME OUT. Do these people even know the meaning of terrorism? Probably not because if they had then they would know that STARTING A USELESS FUCKING WAR IS TERRORISM. But who wants to read a dictionary when its easier to drop bombs, invade their homes, and kill them??? Obama, unlike Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and others is HUMAN and treats others as humans as well, But, do people like the president of Iran, Lil' Kim of North Korea, that guy in Syria, VIVA LA REVOLUCIAN FIDEL CUBA and the ever popular Taliban deserve to be treated like humans? Eh, maybe not (in my humble opinion) but Obama HAS A JOB TO DO - and one of those includes protecting this country and its people.... if that means trying to negotiate or set up talks with those above mentioned countries/leaders...so be it. Look, we ALL have to share this planet and there's always going to be disagreements among nations and people but if we show some ounce of respect and don't make open threats I think everyone has a chance to live in somewhat peace. It won't change over night and most likely never end with some (mainly those who have MAJOR chemical imbalances in the cranium...AHEM...Lil' Kim Jong Il) Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Commies, Socialists, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Agnostics, Atheists, Black, White, Asian, Pacific Islander, Arab and many more WE...yes WE have an awful lot to do in regards on how this place ends up, I think most will try and help but some negative Nancy's will always have to put their two cents in and if they do...Then they don't deserve to have a place mat set for them at the dinner table.
note: this will most likely become a two-part rant....National Security will be done tomorrow
Okie dokie. Lets get this party started.
So as we all remember foreign policy under the Bush Admin. was non-existent (mainly due to his and others assholism and insistent childish actions towards "the axis of evil" - think kids in a sandbox arguing over a toy) ANYWAY, during and after those 8 unfortunate years we lost friends and gained some....more enemies. Also those still claiming to be our allies were none the less fed up with dealing with a swaggering-"tough" talkin' Texan (although he was born in New Haven Connecticut) and some bald fat Vampire whose face almost broke if he smiled. So, When Barack Hussein Obama took office it was time for damage control and unlike his predecessor he decided to TALK directly to people instead of talking shit about them from afar. Boy, did the GOP and other right-wingers take this badly. So why is the right so pissed about this? Well for one reason Obama is "negotiating with terrorists"....TIME OUT. Do these people even know the meaning of terrorism? Probably not because if they had then they would know that STARTING A USELESS FUCKING WAR IS TERRORISM. But who wants to read a dictionary when its easier to drop bombs, invade their homes, and kill them??? Obama, unlike Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and others is HUMAN and treats others as humans as well, But, do people like the president of Iran, Lil' Kim of North Korea, that guy in Syria, VIVA LA REVOLUCIAN FIDEL CUBA and the ever popular Taliban deserve to be treated like humans? Eh, maybe not (in my humble opinion) but Obama HAS A JOB TO DO - and one of those includes protecting this country and its people.... if that means trying to negotiate or set up talks with those above mentioned countries/leaders...so be it. Look, we ALL have to share this planet and there's always going to be disagreements among nations and people but if we show some ounce of respect and don't make open threats I think everyone has a chance to live in somewhat peace. It won't change over night and most likely never end with some (mainly those who have MAJOR chemical imbalances in the cranium...AHEM...Lil' Kim Jong Il) Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Commies, Socialists, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Agnostics, Atheists, Black, White, Asian, Pacific Islander, Arab and many more WE...yes WE have an awful lot to do in regards on how this place ends up, I think most will try and help but some negative Nancy's will always have to put their two cents in and if they do...Then they don't deserve to have a place mat set for them at the dinner table.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
So I was going to do my "Political Rant Week" thing on uh, Foreign Policy and National Security but decided against it after I watched Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" segment. Now, I am so fucking pissed at how these two women got elected - Michele Bachmann from Minnesoda and Virginia Foxx from NC.
Both of these women should BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES, especially Foxx. I am more angry over what Foxx said, because lets face it, for those of you who have heard Bachmann speak you probably say the same thing I say to my self which is "We let this woman operate a moving vehicle? AND VOTE?? ohhh mmman!!" *forehead slap*. Bachmann is just clueless and is a dimwitted bimbo who just lets her mouth spew out rancid diarreah with corn. As for Foxx, I wasn't that familiar with her but after hearing what she said on the house floor yesterday I was appauled. Here's the video of her >
As far as I'm concerned this lady should either apologize and VOTE for the Hate Crimes Act or resign. HOW DARE she be that insensitive ESPECIALLY when the mother of the victim is right there!!!! I encourage all to either call or e-mail her about how insensitive she is and how out of touch she is and that she should probably get her fucking facts straight before she spews intolerance.
Thank you, have a nice day.
Both of these women should BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES, especially Foxx. I am more angry over what Foxx said, because lets face it, for those of you who have heard Bachmann speak you probably say the same thing I say to my self which is "We let this woman operate a moving vehicle? AND VOTE?? ohhh mmman!!" *forehead slap*. Bachmann is just clueless and is a dimwitted bimbo who just lets her mouth spew out rancid diarreah with corn. As for Foxx, I wasn't that familiar with her but after hearing what she said on the house floor yesterday I was appauled. Here's the video of her >
As far as I'm concerned this lady should either apologize and VOTE for the Hate Crimes Act or resign. HOW DARE she be that insensitive ESPECIALLY when the mother of the victim is right there!!!! I encourage all to either call or e-mail her about how insensitive she is and how out of touch she is and that she should probably get her fucking facts straight before she spews intolerance.
Thank you, have a nice day.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Political Rant Week...Contiuned.
Alright, even though I've been ignoring my rant fest ( I wasn't in the mood...too many things were going on) I'm still going to write some stuff. I'll probably start up again tomorrow with human rights or something...maybe tackle abortion. Meh, we'll see.
I think the cut on my finger is infected. :/
I think the cut on my finger is infected. :/
Friday, April 24, 2009
Political Rant Week
Technically Day #5, but I forgot to do this thing yesterday. So, I'll say its...
Day #4
Topic: Gun Control
I have a few bones to pick with this issue. Allow me to be stereotypical for a moment by saying as a bleeding heart liberal - I completely agree with having restrictions on guns -i.e. how long it takes to get them, who can and can't have them and what kinds are sold.
It made me laugh when after Obama was elected people where so fucking concerned about their precious guns that they wen't out to buy more fearing that they wouldn't be able to get them when Obama took the Oath of Office. What the hell is wrong with people? He isn't going to take ANY ONES guns away - unless you're a maniac, mental case, criminal, or just plain looney. If you PAY ATTENTION you will find that he wants to BAN ASSAULT RIFLES (think AK-47s) because NO ONE should have access to those unless you're a avid/serious gun collector or are in the military, also will make it a crime to carry them onto school campuses. I mean come on, no president (unless they were more liberal than I am - scary thought) would take away any ones guns.
Look, I'm all for the "right to bear arms" even though that was put in the constitution when we were having to protect our newly formed country from Britain and were going through a revolution - things we aren't going through currently- but anyway if you need an assault rifle to hunt you're an idiot. If you have a gun in your house....PLEASE lock it up so little kids or ANY kid for that matter, can't get to it. Lastly, guns aren't toys, and if you right wing wackos are more concerned about whats going to happen to your guns then many other things that are WAY more important (health care, economy) well then, you don't deserve to have the right to have a voice in such matters. Sorry.
Day #4
Topic: Gun Control
I have a few bones to pick with this issue. Allow me to be stereotypical for a moment by saying as a bleeding heart liberal - I completely agree with having restrictions on guns -i.e. how long it takes to get them, who can and can't have them and what kinds are sold.
It made me laugh when after Obama was elected people where so fucking concerned about their precious guns that they wen't out to buy more fearing that they wouldn't be able to get them when Obama took the Oath of Office. What the hell is wrong with people? He isn't going to take ANY ONES guns away - unless you're a maniac, mental case, criminal, or just plain looney. If you PAY ATTENTION you will find that he wants to BAN ASSAULT RIFLES (think AK-47s) because NO ONE should have access to those unless you're a avid/serious gun collector or are in the military, also will make it a crime to carry them onto school campuses. I mean come on, no president (unless they were more liberal than I am - scary thought) would take away any ones guns.
Look, I'm all for the "right to bear arms" even though that was put in the constitution when we were having to protect our newly formed country from Britain and were going through a revolution - things we aren't going through currently- but anyway if you need an assault rifle to hunt you're an idiot. If you have a gun in your house....PLEASE lock it up so little kids or ANY kid for that matter, can't get to it. Lastly, guns aren't toys, and if you right wing wackos are more concerned about whats going to happen to your guns then many other things that are WAY more important (health care, economy) well then, you don't deserve to have the right to have a voice in such matters. Sorry.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Political Rant Week
Day #3
Topic: LGBT rights, and why they deserve them.
Today I'm going to start touching on various human rights issues...and you better believe I'm going to talk more about it! Anyway, as most know I live in California - one of the most liberal states (sometimes), and most know about the Proposition that was unfortunately passed in November.
Prop. 8 (which banned same-sex marriage) passed by 53% (or somewhere in there). During the campaign I was VERY tempted to go around my neighborhood and tear down all the "Yes on 8" signs. What right do people have to take away rights of another? Interracial marriages were once banned but that got turned over because it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL - which is what the California Supreme Court ruled in this- so why was it even on the ballot if the CA SC declared it so? I'll tell you why - and be warned I might offend :)
It was on the ballot because these right wing nut cases are trying to control how OTHER PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES - YET again. How does two women or two men affect their lives? Are they so paranoid that if it passed their spouses would automatically turn gay?!?! OH NO!!! or - Heaven forbid- their children would....turn gay? OHHHHH NOOOO!!! Because homosexuals are sexual deviants who go about raping, and converting your little Billy into something FAB-U-LOUS *snaps fingers* well that's part of it...they're afraid and paranoid. Another part has to do with what a FICTITIOUS BOOK says - (and for the record the bible only talked about gay men...never says anything about Lesbians - YOU GO FOR IT GIRLS!!!) see, this is why they separated church and state because shit like this happens and its all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
The United States prides its self as being a "free" nation and how people get to live freely - get to pick what schools they go to, colleges, who they like - fall in love with, marry, but if you're gay well you're shit out of luck because of what some evangelical morons have to say.
After prop. 8 was passed I was shocked and extremely angry, HOW DARE the religious right or anybody tell ANYONE who they can and can't marry or love. It's sickening. They should be ashamed of themselves- FOR SHAME. They go about preaching love and acceptance yet, are so fucking judgemental towards people they know NOTHING about. Hopefully within the next couple of months the CA Supreme Court will rule ONCE AGAIN that it is unconstitutional to bar homosexuals from marrying.
Oh...not trying to hype myself up but... http://twitter.com/CzechCeska
Topic: LGBT rights, and why they deserve them.
Today I'm going to start touching on various human rights issues...and you better believe I'm going to talk more about it! Anyway, as most know I live in California - one of the most liberal states (sometimes), and most know about the Proposition that was unfortunately passed in November.
Prop. 8 (which banned same-sex marriage) passed by 53% (or somewhere in there). During the campaign I was VERY tempted to go around my neighborhood and tear down all the "Yes on 8" signs. What right do people have to take away rights of another? Interracial marriages were once banned but that got turned over because it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL - which is what the California Supreme Court ruled in this- so why was it even on the ballot if the CA SC declared it so? I'll tell you why - and be warned I might offend :)
It was on the ballot because these right wing nut cases are trying to control how OTHER PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES - YET again. How does two women or two men affect their lives? Are they so paranoid that if it passed their spouses would automatically turn gay?!?! OH NO!!! or - Heaven forbid- their children would....turn gay? OHHHHH NOOOO!!! Because homosexuals are sexual deviants who go about raping, and converting your little Billy into something FAB-U-LOUS *snaps fingers* well that's part of it...they're afraid and paranoid. Another part has to do with what a FICTITIOUS BOOK says - (and for the record the bible only talked about gay men...never says anything about Lesbians - YOU GO FOR IT GIRLS!!!) see, this is why they separated church and state because shit like this happens and its all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
The United States prides its self as being a "free" nation and how people get to live freely - get to pick what schools they go to, colleges, who they like - fall in love with, marry, but if you're gay well you're shit out of luck because of what some evangelical morons have to say.
After prop. 8 was passed I was shocked and extremely angry, HOW DARE the religious right or anybody tell ANYONE who they can and can't marry or love. It's sickening. They should be ashamed of themselves- FOR SHAME. They go about preaching love and acceptance yet, are so fucking judgemental towards people they know NOTHING about. Hopefully within the next couple of months the CA Supreme Court will rule ONCE AGAIN that it is unconstitutional to bar homosexuals from marrying.
Oh...not trying to hype myself up but... http://twitter.com/CzechCeska
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Political Rant Week
Day #2
Topic - Taxes, Tea Parties, and Republicans...oh my!
Like yesterday I'm going to start off saying I know taxes aren't fun, they aren't made to be fun...but we have to do it...unless you like jail.
I was going to write a whole sch peal about how the rich should pay more taxes and the middle/lower classes should pay less...like Billie Jean said "FAIR IS FAIR!!!" anyway...I was like 90+ degrees today and my brain in kinda on auto pilot so all I'm going to say is this...
If you are wealthy and complain about the taxes you pay... you SHOULD pay more, and if you don't think you should well then, you don't have to drive on the streets, have your children go to our schools, you don't have to hike, camp in our parks, if you have a fire you don't HAVE to call the fire department, If a loved one needs medical assistance you don't have to go to our hospitals or call the paramedics, if your house is broken into you don't have to call the cops...SO QUIT YOUR BITCHING AND DO YOUR PART!!
Topic - Taxes, Tea Parties, and Republicans...oh my!
Like yesterday I'm going to start off saying I know taxes aren't fun, they aren't made to be fun...but we have to do it...unless you like jail.
I was going to write a whole sch peal about how the rich should pay more taxes and the middle/lower classes should pay less...like Billie Jean said "FAIR IS FAIR!!!" anyway...I was like 90+ degrees today and my brain in kinda on auto pilot so all I'm going to say is this...
If you are wealthy and complain about the taxes you pay... you SHOULD pay more, and if you don't think you should well then, you don't have to drive on the streets, have your children go to our schools, you don't have to hike, camp in our parks, if you have a fire you don't HAVE to call the fire department, If a loved one needs medical assistance you don't have to go to our hospitals or call the paramedics, if your house is broken into you don't have to call the cops...SO QUIT YOUR BITCHING AND DO YOUR PART!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Political Rant Week
Day #1
Topic: Socialism is fun!
Before I get into how much I hate the GOP right now I would first like to say that I DO NOT dislike ALL Republicans, Libertarians etc etc - I know that the few "bad apples" don't speak for everyone but they DO damage the ones who aren't complete douche bags.
Moving on. I've decided to do a whole week full of rants mainly because it helps me calm down - so I don't blow up at someone- and also I've come in contact with more idiots than I would like to, and am tired of people (mainly the right) blowing things out of proportion.
What I would first like to touch is the whole "Obama is a Socialist....Watch out!!!" thing. This all started when Joe the "Plummer" asked a question about Obamas tax plan during his campaign , "he wants to spread the wealth" McCain and other Republicans ran with this. "HE'S A SOCIALIST!!!" and since hes a socialist, he must like communist too right? and of course Obama had to defend himself, at this time I was thinking...Yeah, and? See, I highly doubt that McCain and other GOP members even know the difference between Socialism and communism, buuut it doesn't matter because they're both BAD!!! BAH! Bullshit. Look at most of Europe - especially Scandinavia and the Netherlands - they pretty much run on Socialist based Gov'ts (i.e. everyone gets health care, free daycare, both parents receive time off when having a child) and that's bad why?? don't all people deserve these things?? The gov't has a DUTY to make sure ALL its citizens are taken care of. People have no need to be afraid of Socialism - Communist...that's another story. So in closing, I do think that Obama is somewhat of a Socialist in that he thinks everyone, rich, poor, middle class deserves free health care etc etc. He has already proven that his is willing to work with everyone to get these things in motion as well.
Tomorrow I tackle every ones favorite...TAXES!!!
Topic: Socialism is fun!
Before I get into how much I hate the GOP right now I would first like to say that I DO NOT dislike ALL Republicans, Libertarians etc etc - I know that the few "bad apples" don't speak for everyone but they DO damage the ones who aren't complete douche bags.
Moving on. I've decided to do a whole week full of rants mainly because it helps me calm down - so I don't blow up at someone- and also I've come in contact with more idiots than I would like to, and am tired of people (mainly the right) blowing things out of proportion.
What I would first like to touch is the whole "Obama is a Socialist....Watch out!!!" thing. This all started when Joe the "Plummer" asked a question about Obamas tax plan during his campaign , "he wants to spread the wealth" McCain and other Republicans ran with this. "HE'S A SOCIALIST!!!" and since hes a socialist, he must like communist too right? and of course Obama had to defend himself, at this time I was thinking...Yeah, and? See, I highly doubt that McCain and other GOP members even know the difference between Socialism and communism, buuut it doesn't matter because they're both BAD!!! BAH! Bullshit. Look at most of Europe - especially Scandinavia and the Netherlands - they pretty much run on Socialist based Gov'ts (i.e. everyone gets health care, free daycare, both parents receive time off when having a child) and that's bad why?? don't all people deserve these things?? The gov't has a DUTY to make sure ALL its citizens are taken care of. People have no need to be afraid of Socialism - Communist...that's another story. So in closing, I do think that Obama is somewhat of a Socialist in that he thinks everyone, rich, poor, middle class deserves free health care etc etc. He has already proven that his is willing to work with everyone to get these things in motion as well.
Tomorrow I tackle every ones favorite...TAXES!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I found out yesterday that my ex-boyfriend (the one who went kinda insane, got into drugs, went to prison for beating someone up) is working at a local...sandwich place.
I don't feel like I thought I would, which is kinda weird. My co-worker, who I've known since high school, told me he ran into him. He's in a serious relationship (could be married, I don't really know) and she's pregnant, and he wants to become an engineer of some sort. I was expecting my self to roll my eyes, say something not nice and get upset over it...but I'm not. I was also once concerned about what would happen if we ran into each other...but I'm not. I can honestly say I'm glad he's in a happier place in life and is continuing steps in order to better himself and his g.f / family. As rocky and disastrous as our relationship was and how hurt the both of us were (took me a looong time to get over it - and I had the ''nurse curse'' where I would try to fix him...didn't work...also did it with a previous relationship) all I ever wanted was him to be happy with life (he had a long hard run for a while) I also have and will have a soft spot for him - because I know what he can do and how smart he is, BUT, I am in no way shape or form condoning how we treated each other while we were together- got hairy between us...emotionally- and I'm almost certain it would've gotten to a physical point if we stayed with each other. So it's safe to say that I've let bygones be bygones in this case which I though I WOULD NEVER do, I just hope he feels the same. But if he doesn't that's OK.
getting older and more mature is weird.
I don't feel like I thought I would, which is kinda weird. My co-worker, who I've known since high school, told me he ran into him. He's in a serious relationship (could be married, I don't really know) and she's pregnant, and he wants to become an engineer of some sort. I was expecting my self to roll my eyes, say something not nice and get upset over it...but I'm not. I was also once concerned about what would happen if we ran into each other...but I'm not. I can honestly say I'm glad he's in a happier place in life and is continuing steps in order to better himself and his g.f / family. As rocky and disastrous as our relationship was and how hurt the both of us were (took me a looong time to get over it - and I had the ''nurse curse'' where I would try to fix him...didn't work...also did it with a previous relationship) all I ever wanted was him to be happy with life (he had a long hard run for a while) I also have and will have a soft spot for him - because I know what he can do and how smart he is, BUT, I am in no way shape or form condoning how we treated each other while we were together- got hairy between us...emotionally- and I'm almost certain it would've gotten to a physical point if we stayed with each other. So it's safe to say that I've let bygones be bygones in this case which I though I WOULD NEVER do, I just hope he feels the same. But if he doesn't that's OK.
getting older and more mature is weird.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Why do I continue to watch stupid shows?
Its Saturday, which means....stupid TV shows are on (but aren't they always?) anyway, I stumble across a show called "bridezillas". The name should be enough but goddamn, the women they have on this fucking show.
First episode I watched a bride-to-be wanted a grooms cake that looked like a vagina...WHY would ANYONE want a cake that looks like a vagina at their wedding? Just think of the people who ended up going to the thing. "Oh wow, a vagina cake...how nice she must really love her man!!" goddamn. THEN there was this CRAZY woman who cried her eyes out because her fiance (who she was previously married to, got divorced and are now getting married again) didn't want to travel first class to fucking Bora Bora (two first class tickets round trip would of cost 18,000 buck-a-roos) and at her rehearsal dinner her father gave a cake to another family member because it was her birthday and this bitch flipped out "THIS IS MY DAY!!! HOW DARE YOU GIVE HER A CAKE ON MY DAY!!" then proceeds to grab a huge piece of cake and shoves it in her fathers face. I could only handle those two. I would NEVER dream of treating my family or friends the way those women do. Hopefully they see themselves on TV and get HEAVILY medicated or HEAVY DUTY therapy. They give women a bad name.
First episode I watched a bride-to-be wanted a grooms cake that looked like a vagina...WHY would ANYONE want a cake that looks like a vagina at their wedding? Just think of the people who ended up going to the thing. "Oh wow, a vagina cake...how nice she must really love her man!!" goddamn. THEN there was this CRAZY woman who cried her eyes out because her fiance (who she was previously married to, got divorced and are now getting married again) didn't want to travel first class to fucking Bora Bora (two first class tickets round trip would of cost 18,000 buck-a-roos) and at her rehearsal dinner her father gave a cake to another family member because it was her birthday and this bitch flipped out "THIS IS MY DAY!!! HOW DARE YOU GIVE HER A CAKE ON MY DAY!!" then proceeds to grab a huge piece of cake and shoves it in her fathers face. I could only handle those two. I would NEVER dream of treating my family or friends the way those women do. Hopefully they see themselves on TV and get HEAVILY medicated or HEAVY DUTY therapy. They give women a bad name.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
My new favorite movie...Watchmen
Awesome movie that compliments the novel well, a few changes but, it was damn near close to the book...which is probably why it was 2hrs and 45min long. I didn't care though, I was never bored during it even though I was in the ever so uncomfortable front row. Not for little kids however ( A BOAT LOAD of violence - including some violence towards women - tons of blood and gore) sweet fighting scenes a really weird sex scene in a flying ship named "Archie" and a giant blue penis. The actors that were picked to be in the film did an awesome job -especially with Rorschach mine and a fan favorite. I might even have to go see it again!!
Awesome movie that compliments the novel well, a few changes but, it was damn near close to the book...which is probably why it was 2hrs and 45min long. I didn't care though, I was never bored during it even though I was in the ever so uncomfortable front row. Not for little kids however ( A BOAT LOAD of violence - including some violence towards women - tons of blood and gore) sweet fighting scenes a really weird sex scene in a flying ship named "Archie" and a giant blue penis. The actors that were picked to be in the film did an awesome job -especially with Rorschach mine and a fan favorite. I might even have to go see it again!!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
So I made an appointment to see a counselor next Tuesday. Both of my parents and step-mom have convinced go to a school that is in CA (mainly because going out of state would cost more $$ and if I stay in Cali it would only be like $5,000 a year - plus by going to a SU I would most likely get a discount due to the fact that my dad teaches at one) - and thinking about going out of state after I get my BA which, is understandable. The one school I'm looking into is CSU San Francisco. I think I would like it there since I'm somewhat familiar with the area - like it there, know people....so I wouldn't be completely on my own, and it isn't that far from home. So we'll see what happens on Tuesday - If I end up signing a contract for enrollment or whatever.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Complaint Fest
One of my co-workers was late today and so my boss called wondering where she was well, she proceeds to inform him that she isn't coming in...ever because... everyone is "mean" to her and that she was "stressed all weekend just thinking about having to show up." WHAT? Look she is only there 4 days a week for 2hrs and NO ONE is mean to her, what needs to happen is that she needs to grow a goddamn spine. I mean come on...this is coming from a 40-year-old woman who got fired from her other job for not showing up (nor calling in sick from an eye infection or whatever...) so this was the ONLY job she had and has a 7 year old kid to take care of! JESUS man... and she quits because people are "mean".
Anyway, my boss then proceeds to ask her if she is going to give two weeks notice (like a responsible adult would do) and....*sigh* tells him "What do you think?" and proceeds to hang up on him.
I am so sick and tired of people who want nothing more than OTHERS to feel sorry for them. I mean this woman did nothing but complain about how she had to do this in order to pay her rent and how her ex husband did this to her and how this guy in Texas sent her a grand and blah blah blah blah, and gets an attitude when she can't take her co-workers telling her THAT SHE NEEDS TO DO HER FUCKING JOB!!! AND MAYBE IF SHE ACTED LIKE AN ADULT PEOPLE WOULDN'T HAVE TO CHEW HER OUT OR FIRE HER!!!!
Go throw your pity party near someone who gives a shit.
I really hope she stumbles across this and reads it.
Anyway, my boss then proceeds to ask her if she is going to give two weeks notice (like a responsible adult would do) and....*sigh* tells him "What do you think?" and proceeds to hang up on him.
I am so sick and tired of people who want nothing more than OTHERS to feel sorry for them. I mean this woman did nothing but complain about how she had to do this in order to pay her rent and how her ex husband did this to her and how this guy in Texas sent her a grand and blah blah blah blah, and gets an attitude when she can't take her co-workers telling her THAT SHE NEEDS TO DO HER FUCKING JOB!!! AND MAYBE IF SHE ACTED LIKE AN ADULT PEOPLE WOULDN'T HAVE TO CHEW HER OUT OR FIRE HER!!!!
Go throw your pity party near someone who gives a shit.
I really hope she stumbles across this and reads it.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
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