Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

My cat Bomber is doing better. Turns out he has Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia which in english means that the body has made antibodies that attack the platelets (which means he can just bleed to death)- the below normal count of platelets for cats is 175,000 and Bomber had 10,000. FORTUNATLY he's doing better and hopefully he'll be home on Wenesday.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I am so sick of seeing girls who have little yapper dogs on their laps WHILE DRIVING! I swear to god what is the point?? Do you want to get in a car accident?? Whats worse is seeing them with the damn dog on their lap AND ON THE CELL PHONE!!! If I was a cop I would pull them over and give them a fat ticket for being a MORON.

Oh and my Favorite cat EVER, named Bomber might die. Merry fucking Christmas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I hate insurance companies.

I have a goddamn hole in my tooth and I need to see the freakin' dentist BUT the BLUE CROSS WEBSITE KEEPS SCREWING UP SO I CANT APPLY!!! ARRRRRRRRR!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

So last night my DVD player stopped working, of course I checked the cords and -even took the DVD player from the living room hooked it up to my tv to make sure it wasn't my tv- anyway, I have a bad temper (especially when it comes to inanimate objects) so what did I do?? I rip the thing out of the wall, throw it across my room and straight up stomp on it like I was curb stomping someone. LET THAT BE A LESSON TO ALL YOU FRIGGIN' INANIMATE OBJECTS!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Glenn Danzig (in his prime) V. Henry Rollins (in his prime)

who would win??