Monday, September 15, 2008


So whats got me going this time? McCain?? no...the democratic party?? no... puppies??? nope. Sarah Fucking Palin...YES!!!

I am so sick and tired of hearing how this woman is a "maverick" and how she "took on her own party to squash corruption" when in fact she's just as dangerous and corrupt as the rest of them! McCain chose her because he wants disgruntled Hillary supporters, so he picks one of the most conservative women (that he only talked to for 15 minutes a couple months ago) who basically has NO experience?!?! What the hell is the matter with this country??? Whats worse is that some of the disgruntled Hillary supporters are actually backing her!!! WHAT?? Palin, like I stated earlier is dangerous. She supports drilling in Alaska (Yes!! lets destroy an entire Eco-system!!!) against Gay/Lesbian rights, wants "creationism" taught in schools, is against abortion even in the cases of rape and incest (while she was mayor she made women who were raped pay for their own rape kits) her 17 year old daughter is pregnant (yes, abstinence only education works doesn't it!) and the father wrote on his myspace about how he doesn't want to be a father and how he doesn't want to get married at 18 and a lot of other what is he doing? campaigning for his future mother in law!!! I hope the American people can see through her bullshit and be smart enough to vote for the obvious choice. If they don't and they buy into this whole Palin masquerade then, well I'm sorry but they don't deserve to vote. Is it worth being so angry that YOUR candidate didn't get the nomination that you are willing to screw this country over AGAIN??? is it? Think about it.

Another thing, Palin is part of "Feminists for Life"...look, I've said it before I'll say it again, people who are pro-choice aren't "anti-life" its not that you're against or for life its if you're for or against a woman being able to make decisions about her reproductive health, everyone is for life, its not like me or any other person who considers themselves pro-choice walk down the street see a pregnant woman and go "wow, she should have an abortion" because that would be, lets face it...fucked up. So this BS about having a group called "feminists for life" is a cop-out and gives women a bad name as far as I'm concerned. Every feminist is for life no matter what their political background may be and Palin is setting women back with her neo- 1950's house wife rhetoric.

We have a chance and a duty to turn this country around, to make it better to make it safer and prosperous so our children's children can live in a country they are proud to call home.

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