Saturday, March 15, 2008

Alright, I know I've been giving John McCain a hard time lately but the guy asks for it in my opinion. Case and point....He is worried that terrorists in Iraq are going to have an impact on the US election in November, huh? No what's going to have an impact on the election is the WAR in Iraq, that people are losing their homes, the economy is shit (but our glorious leader INSISTS that we are NOT in a recession) people can't afford health care, the American public is getting lied to CONSTANTLY, Americans are tired of flat out INCOMPETENCE and the list goes on and on...Not to mention that US involvement in Iraq CAUSED terrorists to come into Iraq. I'm so sick and just drained by the government pulling this fear factor shit. "Oh if we don't have a republican in office then terrorists are going to kill us all and the country is going to fall apart!!!!" The country is already falling apart and has been falling apart no thanks to self-serving egotistical money and oil craving bags of puss.

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