Saturday, March 05, 2011

Short Changing

I recently saw the documentary "Waiting for Superman"- for a second time- and it really pissed me off and saddened me. It also made me think about my time in grammar, junior high and high school and how I (and other children) were and ARE being shortchanged regarding education. For the most part I had good teachers throughout grammar school, My 4th/6th grade teacher (had the same guy for those two grades) specifically was extremely dedicated to his students. I also really liked my 3rd grade teacher but...this is me we're talking about so of course there's a few who I had/have problems with well, scratch that- had problems with the school.
Here's the story- in third grade I started to have problems with math, the teacher was spending too much time explaining stuff to me so there was a parent teacher conference and you know what happened in that conference? The school wasn't too concerned with my difficulties in math...they were more concerned with the fact that I had picked up my moms New Jersey accent (said 'warsh" instead of "wash" stuff like that). After which I was put into a speech class- nothing to help me with math. This set in motion a long time of being screwed over by the education system of this country. I was also put into what they called 'resource' classes in which I was with kids who were in the same grade as me yet...they could barely read. I had NO problem reading or with comprehension but the 'higher ups' at school were convinced I had problems with other things (which, like I stated before I DIDN'T). I'm not knocking kids who had difficulty reading but I DIDN'T BELONG THERE. During this time I was also in a small group of kids whose parents were divorced or separated and we had to hold a wand and "talk about our feelings" - I would of much rather had help with my academics...personally. Of course my parents fought with them (my mom did mostly) I think being in those classes did more harm then good. I felt like I was a less productive student- and I think the school wanted it that way. Also most of the staff couldn't pronounce my first OR last name -either called me 'Winter" or something else stupid like that.
Moving on to junior high...I can't tell you how many of my teachers at Laguna Middle School were shitty teachers. They either hated kids, or were just so burnt out that it was useless to them to even try. During the first week of school I was actually pulled from a 'mainstream' english class and put into a 'resource' class in which the teacher (I'm pulling no punches and naming names!) Mr. Kirby treated us like we were joke. He had us do assignments that were useless and didn't help with anything. The home economics teacher Miss Young...was more concerned with the stupid dress code they had there than treating her students with the slightest bit of respect, it was bull. One day I remember was when I was in class and had to bend over my desk, suddenly I felt something on my back I turn around and its her with a stupid ruler measuring how much of my midriff was showing. I didn't get a tap on the shoulder and told "Excuse me but I noticed you're showing a little bit more skin than you should, be sure to be aware I know it may seem like a silly rule to the students but its our rules." No...I got some high and mighty woman who obviously had control issues TOUCH ME UNWILLINGLY and talk down to me like an idiot. I ended up leaving the 8th grade because I got really depressed and got home schooled.
High School...
High school was probably the biggest crock of bull shit I've ever experienced HOWEVER...I attended two high schools- so my beef is with San Luis High. First off yet again I was put into 'resource' classes. My math teacher was so old she didn't realize she had dog shit on her shoe for three days straight ALSO she was so disliked by students (and probably by faculty) that no one told her about it. She was unclear about her teaching and didn't explain how to do things just expected us to know it. But my main problem was with Mr. Porter. This guy was the shittiest of the shittiest he was head of the special education department there and was the biggest tool. Again I was yanked from 'mainstream' classes BY HIM and put in classes where I was obviously smarter than most of the kids (not trying to rail on anyone but its the truth). He was insanely religious and often brought it into class (he was also part of the Christian group). He was teaching a 'history' class one semester and it was supposed to be about Russia and all this guy did was talk about how horrible Communists/Communism is and showed us slides of a trip he took there in 1986...but that's small in comparison to what happened next...I (a student) had to tell him (the teacher) WHAT COMMUNISM WAS! THEN HE TRIED TO ARGUE WITH ME ABOUT IT...Look sir, Both my parents fancied themselves Communists 'back in the day' AND I READ ABOUT IT A LOT- I also explained to him that what's on paper IS completely different that how it was/is applied in countries (such as Russia). We DIDN'T learn about the Czars, we DIDN'T learn about the people WE DIDN'T LEARN ANYTHING EXCEPT for how horrible it was there under "Communist rule". EVERY SINGLE CHILD who had classes with him WAS SHORT CHANGED in their EDUCATION. After this I was totally fed up with SLO High and then transferred over to Pacific Beach. A better decision couldn't have been made. The four teachers I had there Mr. Kirk, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Jacobsen and Mr. Pearson EXCEPT THE PRINCIPLE MR. SAN FILLIPO WHO WAS A HUGE JERK AND DIDN'T RESPECT ANY OF THE STUDENTS AND WAS EXTREMELY RUDE TO THEM ANY CHANCE HE GOT!!! (Sorry but that had to be added) were SO dedicated to their students and connected with them, granted there were only about 60 students who attended but they deserve to be applauded for their efforts. But unfortunately I was so burnt out by being screwed by schools that I didn't apply myself the way I should of.
Now that I'm in college bad teachers are few and if there is a bad teacher I can AVOID him or her (most of the time). But I am still concerned about the education in this country, I have two younger siblings and I fear that they'll be short changed as well. First off I don't think elementary/junior high and high school teachers shouldn't be given tenure so quickly. We all know how long it takes professors to become tenured but some lower level teachers get it in as little as two years- and some (not all) get the attitude "Well, I'm tenured so I don't care if you learn anything or not." This is a HUGE problem. Also I have a problem with some teachers unions (yes me...the bleeding heart liberal has a problem with a union). The AFT or American Federation of Teachers is one union I have a problem with. They see a teacher as a teacher -no matter if that teacher is bad OR good. This is a problem...They're also so threatened by change (being able to fire teachers or only tenuring teachers who perform well) that they refuse to have dialog with many school districts. Tenure isn't something to be thrown around- You can rape nuns on the front lawn of your school and not get fired that's how set in stone it is.

I know not all teachers are shitty and I am ONE student who had many problems but I'm not the only one. Many students are being short changed in their educations, EVERY SINGLE CHILD IN THIS COUNTRY and around the world deserves AN EXCELLENT education. The more people who pay attention and get involved in not just yours or your child's or friends or whom ever's education the more this crisis (because it is) can be solved.

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