Thursday, December 22, 2005

Rants, Rants, and more rants.

I was driving around today and spotted Liz, which is a girl I used to hang out , but out of the blue she, like Ann (another girl I used to hang around with) stopped talking to me. Although she didn't tell me off like Ann did she hasn't returned any of my phone calls (I've called her 2-3 times within the last month) I understand her father died in October (which is when I last talked to her) and maybe she's taking harder then she thought she would but goddamn...what the fuck is wrong with people? I've promised my self that I shouldn't make any more of an effort to make friends in this area since all the "friends" I have made shit all over me when I've been nothing but a good friend to them. The last thing I want to do is make it seem like its all about me, because I'm not that type of person but at the same time I do because it isn't fair I think and feel like I deserve an explanation. Ann and Liz are 20, not 14...Ann especially acts like a 14 year old but I can honestly say if she came up to me wanting to be friends I would tell her off, like completely lose it with her since she has come up with several excuses why she doesn't talk to me anymore (all of which are shitty excuses and don't make sense and show how shallow she is). She also acts like she's mature when she isn't, she's dating a alcoholic who couldn't give a rats ass about her and who is full of him self that only wants Ann to be around him and his infectious pile of human waste family who are all ex-meth addicts, OR still full-blown meth addicts. Not to sound like a pussy or anything but my feelings are hurt more than anything, I don't wish this feeling upon anyone except the assholes who cause it. This is one reason why I have a hard time trusting people...ugh, whatever.

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