Monday, November 07, 2005

A couple months ago around the end of March I went up to talk to my friend Ann (we work at the same place), well she says "I don't want to talk to you...I don't know why you come up to me." THEN she tells two different people two different things is to why she doesn't want to be around me anymore, excuse #1-Because I don't have a HS Diploma OR GED and I need to get one of those before I give people Advice (when she doesn't even have one, she has a HS proficiency which is only good in CA) Excuse#2-Because she didn't see our relationship going anywhere...wait a tick, were we fucking dating?! I personally think her boyfriend had something to do with it. He's the type of person that wants her for himself and doesn't want her to have any friends...except the ones he has which tends to only be his ex-meth addict brother and sister-in-law with two kids. I also think he was threatened by me since I'm very opinionated about certain things, He's racist, sexist and just stupid...Well O.K. he knows pretty much everything about every single plant known to man but so the fuck what?....there has to be some social skills. Ann on the other hand is afraid of being alone and probably thinks he's the best she's ever going to get which isn't true. She's smart (some of the time) and has a pretty good personality (or atleast I thought she did) and she's pretty (but right now I think that's the only thing she has going for her). I've closed the case though, it sucks that our friendship had to end but, "like sands through the hour are the days of our lives!!"...

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