Sunday, November 06, 2005

Weekly Rant: Walked to 711 today and saw a bumper sticker that said "Except for ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism war has never solved anything." I felt like going up to the guy and saying "Are you serious with that bumper sticker? You also know that NAZISM AND FASCISM ARE PRETTY MUCH THE SAME FUCKING THING RIGHT!??" Jesus H. Christ...Plus we never had a "war" with Commies. Yeah there was Vietnam but com'on, did anything get accomplished in that, Conflict, SAIGON FELL! WE DIDN'T WIN!!! The guy should go to Alabama or something where he can sit on the porch with his Pro-McCarthy redneck buddies drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and bitch about Communists and how they run Hollywood and corrupt our children. Goddamn.

1 comment:

click said...