Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Weekly Rant: The guy that lives in the studio behind my house tried to start a political conversation with me today about how Cuban Communism is different than Chinese Communism...I swear this guy is a moron, I guess his family is from Cuba or whatever and he hates Castro BLAH BLAH BLAH but loves China BLAH BLAH BLAH....I totally destroyed him by letting him know how fucked both Governments are and that Communism will NEVER WORK unless everyone in the world stops being greedy/corrupt and agree politically which I would personally piss my pants if that happened, but there would still be people against it. I'm getting more and more motivated to leave this town because it's filled with idiots like him who try and start arguments when they don't have a leg to stand on. He also went on to say how good of a job Bush is doing in Iraq and how the Iraqis love Americans...that's when I stopped the conversation, or else I would hit him, its not that I'm against violence it's just that I didn't want to deal with the cops...Fucking assholes.

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